Thursday 27 June 2013


看了网友的留言后,才发现原来我遗漏了一只线条猫。这只被遗漏的线条猫就在Lebuh Victoria的“shade me if you love me”的壁画左上方。加上这只线条猫就一共有102只猫了。
咦?这就奇怪了,不是应该只有101只猫吗?可能是我数错了吧?最有可能数错的壁画是在Lebuh Pantai消防局后方的壁画。我数了几次都数到45只猫,不过我的朋友当中却有数到44只的。如果你曾经数过,能告诉我有几只吗?

This morning, I have read a comment in my previous blog post which said that I have missed out a string cat model . Indeed, I really have missed out that one! This cat model is located above the 'shade me if you love me' mural in Victoria Street. By including this cat model, we will have a total of 102 cats. Hmm, I thought that it is suppose to have a total of 101 cats only. Maybe I counted it wrongly. The highest possible mural to have counted wrongly is the mural behind the Beach Street fire station. I have counted a total of 45 cats for that mural but there are some friends of mine counted a total of 44 cats. If you have ever counted it before, can you tell me how many cats have you counted?


  1. 我也是数到45只,total 102只...发现我不会算术了,嘻

    1. 哈哈。。可能是画家多画一只了吧~
