Monday 17 June 2013

The 101 Lost Kittens Project

“101 Lost Kittens”是一项以提高人们对于流浪动物的醒觉为目标的街头壁画计划。此外,该计划也为乔治市增加了不少的旅游景点。说到壁画,当然是少不了劳苦功高的艺术家。
来自泰国的Natthapon Muangkliang艺术家以及两位来自大马的Louise Low和Tang Yeok Khang艺术家是该计划的主要功臣。他们将会在乔治市的墙上画上12幅壁画,而下面这幅就是其中一幅啦。这幅以李小龙为标题的壁画位阿贵街的一个小巷里(林公司的对面)。

'101 Lost Kittens' is a street art project leading by Thailand artist Natthapon Muangkliang, Malaysian artist Louise Low and Tang Yeok Khang. The project is not only to create new spots of interest in George Town but also to create awareness towards stray animals. There will be a total of 12 street art and below is one of it which is entitled 'The real Bruce Lee would never do this.' It is located in a small lane (opposite Lim Kongsi) of Ah Quee Street. I am looking forward to collect all of the 12 murals. Wish me luck! 

This is the official Facebook page of the '101 Lost Kittens' project. Do give them a Like!

p/s: 在李小龙的下方其实还有一只小猫,我看走眼了。真的很抱歉啊!
There is a little kitten at the bottom corner right below Bruce Lee that I have overlook. Sorry for that.

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