Monday 8 July 2013


在这里租借单人脚踏车只需RM10而双人的则是RM30。可以租借到晚上9点。如果想租借到迟些就必须先和老板协调好或者是拨个电话通知老板。想找到这只猫的话,它就在Gat Lebuh Armenian那里, 和招财猫壁画是同一排的。

The 102nd cat? Well, I am not thinking so as I have counted a 102 cats for the 101 Lost Kittens project. So, this must be the 103rd cat. Inside the bubble talk, there is a bicycle symbol. With this, I believe that this cat is painted by the people that do bicycle renting service at there. The bicycle renting fee is RM10 for single a seater and RM30 for a double seater. You can rent the bicycle up to 9pm and if you wish to continue after 9pm, you will have to call the renter. To find this cat, it is located at the Gat Lebuh Armenian, with the same row of the fortune cat mural painting.

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