Monday 1 July 2013


过去这三天,我和一般朋友去了芙蓉一趟,错失了拍摄101 Lost Kittens的最后一只猫的时机。有失必有得,我得到了更加珍贵的东西,无可取代的宝贵时间。

In the past three days, I went to Seremban with some friends of mine. For the sake of this trip, I have miss the chance of capturing the last cat of the 101 Lost Kittens, yet I have gained something far more important, the irreplaceable precious time with friends. Even though it was just a short three days, but it has made my life become more colourful, especially with their super high pitch laugh. Actually, the purpose of this trip is to give a surprise birthday party to a friend who is living in Seremban and yes, he is surprised. The following photo was taken in Seremban during the first day at my friend's house where we were staying for the three days. The four beautiful girls is the juniors of She Fu (community service club in my university) and one of them is the girl of my dream..haha.. Once again, I would like to wish you Happy Birthday, Boon Kiat!!!

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