Thursday 11 July 2013


这幅非洲壁画是在Hotel Penaga后面的墙上的。这间Hotel Penaga就在乔治市的Jalan Hutton。

Yesterday, after tasting the super nice Keow Teow Th'ng, my boss has bring to to find three mural paintings in Georgetown. This mural painting that has the feeling of being at Africa is one of it. This Africa mural painting is painted on the back wall of Hotel Penaga and this Hotel Penaga is located at Hutton Lane of Georgetown.

这就是另外两幅壁画啦。玩弄鸽子屋的小男孩和酒吧女郎。这幅酒吧女郎壁画就在威武馆餐厅旁边的墙上,而这幅玩弄鸽子的小男孩呢就在酒吧女郎壁画的旁边。威武馆餐厅位于乔治市的Jalan Nagor。

These are the other two mural paintings, the pigeon boy and the Chinese bar girl. The Chinese bar girl is painted on the side wall of the Wei Wu Guan Cafe and the pigeon boy mural is just not far beside the Chinese bar girl mural. The Wei Wu Guan Cafe is located at Nagore Road of Georgetown.

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