Tuesday 2 July 2013

Seri Menanti Royal Museum

转眼间,芙蓉之旅来到了最后一天了。这天,我们成功实行了这趟旅程的目的,给了我两位朋友一个生日惊喜。庆生过后,我们来到了Seri Menanti参观王宫(现在已经是博物院了)。

Soon, we came to the last day of our Seremban trip. On this day, we have completed the mission of this trip, which is to ambush my friends for a surprise birthday. After the birthday celebration, we went to visit the Seri Menanti Royal Museum, which was built in 1902-1905. It was originally a palace for the Negeri Sembilan Royal family. It is said that this five stories wooden palace was built using no nails or screws (I do found some nails and screws, maybe it is built afterwards). The carpenters at the time used wooden pegs so that the palace would be able to withstands the times. The palace also uses 99 solid timber pillars, soaring 65 feet. Visitors can find costumes, weaponry, bed chambers as well as documents on the royal lineage on display in the museum. If you visited Seremban someday, I suggest you visit this Royal museum as it is not far (50km) from Seremban. It will takes you no more than 30 minutes if you go by a car from Seremban.

For more information, please visit Tourism Malaysia.

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