Monday 12 August 2013


大山脚埠众盂兰胜会 Hungry Ghost Festival at Bukit Mertajam


7th moon of the lunar calendar marks the beginning of the Hungry Ghost Festival. It is said that the gate of hell will be opened on the first day of the 7th lunar month and closed on the 30th day of the 7th lunar month. In Penang, penangites will select few days in the 7th lunar month to celebrate this festival. The God of Hades statue in the photo is said to be the largest in Malaysia which has the height of 26 feet 8 inches. This God of Hades statue is located at Jalan Pasar of Bukit Mertajam.

大山脚埠众盂兰胜会 Hungry Ghost Festival at Bukit Mertajam


It is said that the God of Hades is actually the incarnation of Goddess Guan Yin, so there is a Goddess Guan Yin above the head of every God of Hades statue. At both side of the Goddess Guan Yin are the assistants of Goddess Guan Yin. It is rarely seen on any other God of Hades statues possibly due to the smaller size of the other statues.

大山脚埠众盂兰胜会 Hungry Ghost Festival at Bukit Mertajam


There is a block at the right hand of God of Hades. This block serve the purpose to remind us not to be greed.


And the left hand is taken a pennant which has the function to summon the wandering ghosts.

大山脚埠众盂兰胜会 Hungry Ghost Festival at Bukit Mertajam


Below the God of Hades you will see four smaller paper statues. They are Hei Wu Chang, Bai Wu Chang, God of Earth and the mythological underworld judge. This paper statue is Hei Wu Chang. He has a black face and he is short and fat.

大山脚埠众盂兰胜会 Hungry Ghost Festival at Bukit Mertajam


This is Bai Wu Chang. He has a white face and he is thin and tall. Hei Wu Chang and Bai Wu Chang are the cop of the underworld which help to capture the ghost.

大山脚埠众盂兰胜会 Hungry Ghost Festival at Bukit Mertajam


This is the God of Earth. His job is to protect the area under his care.

大山脚埠众盂兰胜会 Hungry Ghost Festival at Bukit Mertajam


This is the mythological underworld judge. His Left hand holds the book of life and death and his job is to investigate the good and evil done by people.

大山脚埠众盂兰胜会 Hungry Ghost Festival at Bukit Mertajam


The left side of the God of Hades has a mountain of gold and the right side has a mountain of silver. This is the mountain of gold.

大山脚埠众盂兰胜会 Hungry Ghost Festival at Bukit Mertajam


And this is the mountain of silver. Besides this mountain of gold and silver, some other places do offer mountain of clothes, mountain of rice, mountain of scriptures and so on.

大山脚埠众盂兰胜会 Hungry Ghost Festival at Bukit Mertajam

南洋网〉〉在这长达15天的庆典里,保守估计到来的香客及游客是超过1万人次。 >> In this 15 days long celebration, the estimated number of pilgrims and tourists is expected to be over ten thousands people.

大山脚埠众盂兰胜会 Hungry Ghost Festival at Bukit Mertajam


At here, you will listen the sound of bell very often. Each time the bell is rang means that there are people donating money to the God of Hades.

大山脚埠众盂兰胜会 Hungry Ghost Festival at Bukit Mertajam


The pilgrim are praying to the God of Hades hoping that they will have a blissful life.

大山脚埠众盂兰胜会 Hungry Ghost Festival at Bukit Mertajam


This are the paper money that the pilgrim use to worship the God of Hades. It is said that everyday there are two to three lorries taking these paper money to other places for burning.

大山脚埠众盂兰胜会 Hungry Ghost Festival at Bukit Mertajam


In front of the God of Hades is the table to pray for the wandering ghost. Pilgrims have to pray the God of Hades first before praying the wandering ghost.

大山脚埠众盂兰胜会 Hungry Ghost Festival at Bukit Mertajam


Below the wandering ghost offering table, there are many offering items. These item are offered to those wandering ghost which are still kids. This is because the table is too high for the kid wandering ghost to reach.

大山脚埠众盂兰胜会 Hungry Ghost Festival at Bukit Mertajam


There will be a 15 days of Teochew opera performing at every night. The first 7 days is performed by the Teochew opera from Thailand.


The 17th day of the 7th lunar moon (23rd August) is the last day for this Bukit Mertajam Hungry Ghost Festival. At that night, they will send back the God of Hades and the paper statue will be burned.

p/s : Some of the religious terms I might have translate it wrongly as I am lacking of this religious knowledge. I apologise for any wrong information.


  1. 大士爷源自佛教经典里面的面燃鬼王,是观世音菩萨的化身。

    1. 嗯!大士爷可是我最爱的神明之一! XD
