Wednesday 7 August 2013

【Penang Event】George Town Heritage Celebrations 2013 | 6th July

George Town Heritage Celebrations 2013
George Town Heritage Celebrations 2013

The yearly heritage celebration is back to Georgetown again. This two days event take place right in the streets of the inner city and is a tribute to the warmth and vibrancy of the George Town communities. On the 6th of July, the activities are more focus on two zones, the junction of Armenian Street and Pitt Street and the Khoo Kongsi at Cannon Square.

George Town Heritage Celebrations 2013

Early in the morning, there are already few stall being set up along the Armenian street. These stalls range from selling drinks and food to souvenir and handmade products. You can find lots of interesting stuff among these stalls.

George Town Heritage Celebrations 2013

Walking into Khoo Kongsi, my eyesight was attracted by the colourful clothes on the bamboo sticks. This decoration is quite fresh to me and it is very nice to see. There is the 'Perayaan Warisan' or the 'Heritage Celebration' words being printed on every of the clothes.

George Town Heritage Celebrations 2013

Surrounding Khoo Kongsi is the stalls that offer traditional arts and crafts. This is the traditional India body drawing, Henna.

George Town Heritage Celebrations 2013

This one draws the portrait of the visitors live. There are three artist and each of them has their own style of drawing.

George Town Heritage Celebrations 2013

The traditional wood engraver

George Town Heritage Celebrations 2013

Nyonya beaded shoes

George Town Heritage Celebrations 2013

Rattan craft maker

George Town Heritage Celebrations 2013

This uncle can translate the any English name to Chinese name and wrote it out with his calligraphy skill. He is a Chinese calligrapher as well as the traditional chop engraver. His shop is located at Carnarvon Street, opposite the police station.

George Town Heritage Celebrations 2013

On this day, one of the main event in Khoo Kongsi is the Teochew rod puppet show. This rod puppet show is originating from southern China and performed locally to celebrate the birthdays of Chinese deities and for other temple festivities, it's a special chance to see the wooden puppets on their three rods, 'speaking' and 'singing' in the Teochew dialect.

George Town Heritage Celebrations 2013

Just outside the Khoo Kongsi, there is an uncle folding the paper aircraft. He claimed that his paper aircraft is unique in the world!

George Town Heritage Celebrations 2013

One paper aircraft is RM5.

George Town Heritage Celebrations 2013

This kids is playing diabolo in front of Khoo Kongsi.

George Town Heritage Celebrations 2013

Menora Siam Malaysia

George Town Heritage Celebrations 2013

Wearing the baba and nyonya traditional costumes for photographing section.

George Town Heritage Celebrations 2013

There is one thing that I found quite special during this celebration that is many things in Georgetown are being put on clothes!

George Town Heritage Celebrations 2013

This building is wearing the most clothes. This is the George Town World Heritage Incorporated (GTWHI) and it is the main organiser for this heritage celebration.

If you have missed the 6th July celebration, it's ok, you still have a 7th July!

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This post was originally written on 7th July 2013

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