Thursday 5 September 2013


中元普渡,盂兰胜会 Hungry Ghost Festival


It is the last day of the Hungry Ghost Festival, 29th day of the 7th lunar month. Today, all the God of Hades will be sent back to hell. As for this year, there is no 30th day for the 7th lunar month, so the God of Hades have to sent back to hell before 12am because it is said that the gate to hell will be closing after midnight. Therefore, the cremation of the God of Hades for today will be much more earlier compare to other days.
I met with this little kid at the Pitt Street Hungry Ghost Festival. He is only 6 years old but already a helper to everyone. Though, he do talk much..haha.. The other photos are strictly restricted by my job policy so I cant upload it, and so I will have to tell you my experience in words. It was raining heavily at that time, yet more people are coming despite the rain. There are lion dance and dragon dance performances. Originally, it was planned that the cremation of the God of Hades has to be done at 9pm, but it has been postpone a bit due to the rain. At around 10pm, despite it was still raining heavily, they carried the God of Hades to the outside of the awning and carried the God of Hades to go around the streets nearby. After rounding the streets, they put the God of Hades on top of the joss papers which were previously being arrange neatly by the helpers. My colleague has bring me a big umbrella and we together with the Taoist went to the front of the God of Hades under one umbrella. After the Taoist finished chanting, the people begins to burn the God of Hades.

中元普渡,盂兰胜会 Hungry Ghost Festival


After finish my job at Pitt Street, I have went to Chowrasta Market for another hungry ghost festival. This time, the photographer for this hungry ghost festival is my colleague so all the photos I took at there will be under my possession. There was no paper statue of God of Hades at there but a piece of God of Hades' drawing.

中元普渡,盂兰胜会 Hungry Ghost Festival


When I reached there, the ritual is about to come to an end. Soon after I reached, they started to burn the paper which their blessing were written inside.

中元普渡,盂兰胜会 Hungry Ghost Festival


After that, the Taoist started to chant.

中元普渡,盂兰胜会 Hungry Ghost Festival


Everyone is putting their joss stick on the urn after the Taoist finished chanting.

中元普渡,盂兰胜会 Hungry Ghost Festival


They are taking down the joss paper for burning.

中元普渡,盂兰胜会 Hungry Ghost Festival


They are putting all the things that are to be burned on the road.

中元普渡,盂兰胜会 Hungry Ghost Festival


With the burning of the God of Hades' drawing, the God of Hades has gone back to hell.


After sending back the God of Hades at here, we tried to go to send the God of Hades at esplanade. When we reached there, the God of Hades has been burn to dust.


And so, the hungry ghost festival has ended. Within this month, I have learnt a lot of things. The most precious things that I have learnt is the spirit that everyone possess in doing their best helping each other regardless of who they are to successfully carrying out the hungry ghost festival. I have seen the importance of religion in a community. It unites the heart of people.


See you next year, God of Hades!

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