Friday 4 October 2013




Just one week no see, she was already become faceless! Still remember the last time I saw her, she still have half of her face left but now her face is no more exists! I cant imagine what will happen the next time I see her. Will her remaining red hair still be there? Is she really going to die?


Enter the alley is the 'Real Bruce Lee Would Never Do This' mural. Besides the kittens, there are few new animals appeared at the left side of the mural.


The first animal is this... this... er... dinosaur? This dinosaur seems to be kissing another animal (this one I really cant figure out what animal it is). Beside them there is a 'window'. For now, I cant think of the relationship between this window and the animals. Well, I suppose this is what we call art, I guess.


Next one is this turtle and gorilla (I hope I didn't guess it wrong..haha..)


And the last one is not an animal. It is a multi-layer red heart.


After all, everything in this world has their own lifespan. 'Our Art Is Dying' mural, do rest in peace, I will be missing you!

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