Monday 2 December 2013

嘟嘟好 J.A.M Cafe

Japanese Style Chicken Chop

来来来!!!今天要和大家介绍的是这间隐藏在理大附近的嘟嘟好J.A.M Cafe。理大生们,都去过了吗?很不错哟~


Greeting all! Today I want to introduce this J.A.M Cafe which is hidden somewhere near USM. To USM students, have you went there before? If not, you should!

This is the western dish I have ordered, the Japanese Style Chicken Chop (one of the dishes recommend by the waitress). It is RM9.20 and I will say that it really worth the price. The chicken meat is spongy and it's skin is very smooth. The sauce is mainly salty in taste with a little bit of sweetness. At the top right corner of the dish, there is a small cup of sauce. If you feel that you cant satisfy yourself with the little sauce on the chicken chop, you can always add on to your heart's content. The dish is actually comes with mash potatoes, it is hidden beneath the chicken chop.


For drinks, I have ordered this Lime Juice with Aiyu Jelly and Lychee (RM4.90). Well, the taste is sweet and cold and much more nicer and sweeter compare to those sell at the roadside or night market.


My friend, Jer Xian has ordered this chicken baked pasta (RM9.90). There are two types of sauces to choose from, the black paper sauce or the tomato sauce. I didn't ask her for the taste but judging from her expression, I can say that it is quite nice.


Jer Xian has added RM5 to make the main course a set meal. The set meal included the main dish, a mushroom soup and a drink.




There are 3 drinks to choose from for the set meal

1. Lemongrass & Lychee
2. Peach tea
3. Soft drink

This one is the lemongrass & lychee


This is fish and chip ordered by another friend of mine, Li Yen. It is one of the main course at the Sunday's Special menu. It comes with a drink with only RM9.90. I didn't ask her for the taste as well but it does looks delicious.


When ordering the food, I was attracted by their menu. This is the first time I have seen a framed menu. It is quite special and creative!

这是嘟嘟好J.A.M Cafe的厅内。几张右边的桌子连接起来形成长桌,如果多人聚会的话是没问题的。

This is the inner look of J.A.M Cafe. The tables at the right side is line up to form a long table. So, if you are hanging out with a big group, you don't have to worry about the seating in J.A.M Cafe.

这里是嘟嘟好J.A.M Cafe的外面。外面摆放着两张木桌与四张木凳,应该是可以给顾客用餐的。照片里的两位女人就是陪我享用晚餐的朋友,黑衣的是智贤,紫衣的是丽燕(她们两个是故意不要看镜头的)。

This is the front side of J.A.M Cafe. There are two wooden tables and four wooden benches, I think these are prepared for the customers that want to enjoy their meal without air-conditioner. The two women inside the photo are my friends that accompanied me to have my dinner. The black shirt one is Jer Xian and the purple shirt one is Li Yen (they purposely don't want to look at the camera).

这就是嘟嘟好J.A.M Cafe的店面啦。它的营业时间是星期一至星期六11.30AM-9.30PM,星期天则是5PM-9.30PM。如果11.30AM-2.30PM来的话,你可以享用他们的午餐配套。一个主餐和一杯饮料只需RM10.90。如果是3PM-5.30PM的话,只要在店里享用一片蛋糕或甜点,您将可以免费享用咖啡哦!

This is the facade of the J.A.M Cafe. Their business hour is 11.30AM-9.30PM on Monday to Saturday and 5PM-9.30PM on Sunday. If you come on the lunch time (11.30AM-2.30PM), you can try their set lunch. The set lunch includes a main course plus a drink at only RM10.90. If you come on tea time (3PM-5.30PM), you can enjoy a free cup of coffee for any dine in of a slice of cake or dessert!

在他们名片的背面有个小地图告诉你如何到达嘟嘟好J.A.M Cafe。他们就在星期六双溪赖夜市(华人区)那排店屋的其中一间。

Behind their name card there is a little map guiding you to reach J.A.M Cafe. They are at one of the shop house at the Saturday Sungai Dua Pasar Malam (Chinese area).


  1. 那pasta的碗好可爱咯!!! =]

    1. 哈哈。。是的,而且他们的食物摆设都很特别。从餐具到装饰都是有花心思的哦~ 重点是,个人觉得食物味道还蛮不错,价钱也合理!还会再去多几次的,因为还有很多食物还没尝到。。哈哈。。 :)

  2. 这家cafe在我家附近,店的外观其实没有很吸引我。经过你介绍后,食物倒有吸引到我。

    1. 那你就更一定要去试一试了。在Sugnai Dua一区最为满意的cafe应该是这一间了吧,至于最不满意的是Pinetree。。哈哈。。外观虽然没什么,但是的确是我虎藏龙的!
