Friday 11 July 2014

步行记:高渊走到甘文丁上篇 From Nibong Tebal to Kamunting Part 1

高渊走到甘文丁 From Nibong Tebal to Kamunting
Saying Goodbye to Penang



This time, I have walked out of Penang and with a companion along the way. We walked from Nibong Tebal to Kamunting, which the whole journey has a walking distance of 45 KM. We used two days to reach Kamunting with a night spent at Bagan Serai. Though this foot travelling was divided into two days, yet the accumulated walking distance is twice of the longest walking distance that I have ever walked. This trip was a hellish one. All the previous walking journey was nothing compare to this.

It was a shame to say that our original destination was to reach Sekinchan. The story goes by this. Not long ago, I have posted an article regard Sekinchan on Facebook and was seen by my friend, Bernard. He comment on the post to ask me for a foot travelling to Sekinchan. At first I thought that he was joking, but he was serious about it. I accepted his invitation as I wanted to challenge my own limit as well. Before we have planned anything, I have suggested that we should walk all the way to Sekinchan without relying on any transport. After we have discussed about it, we found that it was kinda impossible to walk for some part along the way. So, I agreed to his suggestion that we take trains or buses for that particular part. Though we have planned for the trip, yet we have to give up when we reached Kamunting. We were all worned out.

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We departed from our house at 8 AM. We took Rapid bus to jetty and took the ferry to Butterworth. Then, we took another Rapid bus to Nibong Tebal. We arrived at Nibong Tebal at 11.30 AM, which was half an hour earlier than our planned schedule.

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We had our lunch nearby and then we started our foot travelling.

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We started walking at 12 PM sharp and the weather at that time was very hot.

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We passed through our first railroad. This was my first time taking a photo of railroad on a highway.

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其实我有想过为这个旅程收集些什么,第一个想到的是收集与当地人的合照,不过这个计划却不怎么行得通。后来我决定要收集一路上看到的回教堂,因为之前在地图上看见沿路都有回教堂。这是我收集到的第一间回教堂,Masjid Seri Ampangan.

Actually I planned to collect something along the trip. The first thing that came into my mind was to collect the photo with the locals but this plan doesn't seems to be working fine. Then I have decided to collect the mosque I saw along our journey as previously when I checked the map, I have saw quite a number of mosques along the way. This is the first mosque of my collection, Masjid Seri Ampangan.

高渊走到甘文丁 From Nibong Tebal to Kamunting


12.30 PM, we reached USM engineering campus. The sun at that time was super duper hot!

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After another 30 minutes, we came to the boundary of Penang and Perak. Parit Buntar is just ahead.

高渊走到甘文丁 From Nibong Tebal to Kamunting

进入巴里文打没多久我们就来到了Dewan Merdeka旁的公园。我们在那里休息十分钟。

Soon after we entered Parit Buntar, we came to this park beside the Merdeka Hall. We rest for about 10 minutes at there.

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Not far from the park is where this Parit Buntar clock tower located.

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We saw this Datuk Kong temple in Parit Buntar. According to the caretaker, this temple has a history of over 100 years. This is my first time seeing Datuk Kong temple of this size. In Penang, most people pray Datuk Kong in a small shrine, even the biggest one I saw in Pennag (Reclamation Area) was not as big as this one. The fact is, we have saw some other Datuk Kong temple of this size along our way. It seems that Datuk Kong was a very important deity to the people in this area.

高渊走到甘文丁 From Nibong Tebal to Kamunting

收集到的第二间回教堂,Masjid Daerah Kerian。

The second mosque of my collection, Masjid Daerah Kerian.

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The second train railroad that we saw.

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An Indian hawker that sells light food under the flyover.

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收集到的第三间回教堂,同样也是叫做Masjid Daerah Kerian。我觉得这间回教堂很漂亮!

The thisrd mosque of my collection. The name was same as the second mosque, Masjid Daerah Kerian. This mosque is very beautiful to me.

高渊走到甘文丁 From Nibong Tebal to Kamunting


We reached the outskirts of Parit Buntar at 2 PM. As shown on the board, we were still 12 KM away from our destination. Staring from now, the real torturing part began.

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The sun treated us really bad that day. He shined on us with his full power! I finished my 1.5 litter mineral water before I reached the outskirts and I bought another bottle of 1.5 litter 100 plus. The cold 100 plus was turning hot pretty fast. The vehicles that passed through us were all drove at a very high speed, and many of them were heavy vehicles, so it was really dangerous.

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Whenever we saw bus stop at the roadside, we went in for a 5 minutes rest. We felt a bit refresh after the short rest but the refreshment doesn't last long. We started to feel suffering again after a 5 minutes of walking. There weren't many bus stops along the way. We met one in about 45 minutes to 1 hour of walking so we weren't rest much actually.

高渊走到甘文丁 From Nibong Tebal to Kamunting


An interesting thing I saw along the way. It is located in front of a Hindu shrine.

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I saw this road sign but I didn't get what it tried to convey. Did anyone knows what does it means?

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12 KM is actually a short distance for me, I can finish walking it easily. However, it was a totally different story when I was walking at the outskirts. I faced several severe problems during the walking. First, the burden on my shoulder was much more heavier than my normal walk (as we bring the clothing and necessary equipment along with us), so my shoulder was hurt. Second, the road we walked on was a straight road with no end can be seen, it was seriously demotivating. Third, the super hot sun shines directly upon us and we felt like getting burned. Fourth, as the bag becomes heavier, the burden on my legs increases, it was painful to walk another step.

高渊走到甘文丁 From Nibong Tebal to Kamunting


If there wasn't any bus stop along the way, I think that we really couldn't make it.

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Every time I saw the road board, I have two reactions, excited and "I can do it!". When the number on the board was getting near to zero, I felt excited. If it was the other way round, I will told myself "I can do it!".

高渊走到甘文丁 From Nibong Tebal to Kamunting


At first I thought these were the red buses, but when I was getting nearer to them I just noticed that they were actually the vehicles that carried the motorbikes. Talking about vehicles, actually there were many vehicles hon us when they passed through us, and some even waved their hands!

高渊走到甘文丁 From Nibong Tebal to Kamunting


In another 1 KM and we will reach Bagan Serai KTM station. According to our walking speed, we still need another 15 minutes to reach the KTM station.

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It was 5 PM when we reached the KTM station. We waited at there for Bernard's friend to fetch us.

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Bernard's friend brought us visiting Bagan Serai and we came to a river.

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There is a bridge connected both the river banks and the view at there was nice. Sunset can be seen at there.

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There is a school beside the river. The students were just finished their school when we reached there. I saw many of them were riding a bicycle and it makes me feel like Bagan Serai is a very relaxing place.

高渊走到甘文丁 From Nibong Tebal to Kamunting


Then, Bernard's friend brought us to Kuala Kurau. He dropped us on this bridge for us to take the photo of the Kurau's fishing village and the fish farm. I like the sky at that moment, it just looks like a spiral.

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The fishing village taken from the bridge.

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The fish farm taken from the bridge.

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We saw a very small petrol station in Kuala Kurau. However, small was not the point here. The point was the Chinese signboard at the back! This was the first time I saw a petrol station with a Chinese signboard!

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We have our dinner at Kuala Kurau. Bernard's friend wanted to bring us to eat the curry rice but we were afraid that our stomach cant cop with the spiciness so we went to eat noddles instead.

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This was the Paiku Mee ordered by Bernard. It looks good and the price is RM4.50.

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I have ordered a Wantan Mee, RM3. The noddle was a handmade one and it tastes nice!

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After having our dinner at Kuala Kurau, we went back to Bagan Serai and spent one night at Bernard's friend's house. My condition at that night was quite good, my legs was injured but doesn't really hurt. The only thing was that my shoulders was a bit painful and I found salts were formed on my red face.


One thing I learnt from today's foot travelling was that the power of natural can be terrified sometime!


  1. wa! nice shots! i like your style :)

  2. 很挑战耶!是要越玩越高难度的吗?哈哈!照片里的白云蓝天看似很美,现实中应该热到顶不顺了,呵呵!

    1. HH,不一定是越远就越高难度的,还需要看看路途的环境以及气候。

  3. 忍不住要给你无数的赞。太棒了。
    加油!!~ ^^

    1. 不过啊,我还是很不甘心,明明就还没到极限就打退堂鼓了。
      我在想着还要不要再来一趟,不过回想起那段艰苦的路程就有点怕了~ :(

  4. 你们也太强大了吧~ 不过一路上的风景真的很漂亮

    1. 只是想挑战自己的极限而已。。哈哈~

  5. 越来越艰难 也越来越有趣了

    1. 第二篇恐怕会有点闷了,一路上都没有什么特别的。。嘻嘻~

  6. 你很Keng! 你朋友更keng...



    1. 哈哈。。Applefish,我没有烧焦,只是变成红烧脸罢了。。嘻嘻~ XD

  7. 哇, 这次玩好大哦!
    很喜欢你的摄影, 特别是瓜拉古楼的那一张!加油加油~

    1. 哈哈。。下次还要晚更大的,这次玩得还不够过瘾~
      其实这次步行记没有遇到多少美景,感觉有点不甘啊!下次不要走旧路了~ XD

  8. 哇,真的是很强,那条路很危险下的,重型交通工具来来往往。

    1. 谢谢Smartan Dad。

  9. 好佩服你这一份毅力,对我这位老人家而言,走多两步感觉就快要断气了,哈哈!年轻真好啊~~~ 加油!~

    1. Ken,你明明就还很年轻,哪有老嘛~ XD
