Monday 21 July 2014

好友聚:安曼岛吃海鲜 Seafood at Pulau Aman

安曼岛吃海鲜 Seafood at Pulau Aman
The Floating Restaurant at Pulau Aman

以海鲜闻名的安曼岛(又称和平岛)是一座位于峇都加湾附近海域的小岛。岛上居民都是马来一族,是个马来小社区。上周六,我和几位好友一同来到安曼岛品尝海鲜。我们越过槟城二桥来到了峇都加湾,再行驶差不多十分钟就来到Batu Musang码头。我们把车停泊在码头附近(须付RM2停泊费),过后再乘搭快艇前往安曼岛。

Pulau Aman, which is famously knows as the "Island of Peace" is famous with it's seafood. It is a small Island in Penang near to Batu Kawan and it is a home to a traditional Malay Village. During last weekend, me and my friends have came here to try out their seafood. We passed through the Penang Second Link and reached Batu Kawan. From there, we drove for about 10 minutes and soon we reached Batu Musang Jetty Complex. We parked our car near the jetty (required RM2 parking fee) and then we took the speedboat to Pulau Aman.

安曼岛吃海鲜 Seafood at Pulau Aman


It was a Saturday and we didn't saw any people around the jetty. All the hawker stalls were closed. Then we saw the speedboat schedule on the notice board and it was rather disappointing. It was written that there was no speedboat service during weekend. Even so, we still walked until the jetty and we saw a speedboat and some people at there. At last, we managed to get on the boat and make our way to Pulau Aman.

安曼岛吃海鲜 Seafood at Pulau Aman


Six of us were riding on the smaller speedboat.

快艇每隔两小时就有一辆,从安曼岛是早上八点开始服务(傍晚六点最后一趟),而从Batu Musang是早上九点开始服务(傍晚七点最后一趟)。当时我们到的时候是中午十二点二十分,所以我觉得只要在码头看见有快艇的话就能上船了。成人来回船费是RM6,小孩是RM4。单程船费是RM4。

The speedboat service is available once every two hours. The service starts from 8 AM and ends at 6 PM from Pulau Aman. From Batu Musang, the service starts from 9 AM and ends at 7 PM. However, I think that the time can be flexible as long as there are speedboat available at the jetty. The fees for the adults (two ways) is RM6 and RM4 for children. One way service fee is RM4 as well.

安曼岛吃海鲜 Seafood at Pulau Aman


Welcome to Pulau Aman!

安曼岛吃海鲜 Seafood at Pulau Aman
安曼岛吃海鲜 Seafood at Pulau Aman


These are the friends I met in She Fu (community service club) during my university study. Among all, I am the only one that have been graduated.

安曼岛吃海鲜 Seafood at Pulau Aman


Before this, I have always thought that Pulau Aman was a tourism place, so there will be a lot of tourists visiting it. When I arrived, I realised that it was actually a Malay Village and it was a small community. Behind this directions board is a school and the basic community facilities can be seen on the island.

安曼岛吃海鲜 Seafood at Pulau Aman


The houses on the island is quite traditional. I have seen some traditional Malay style houses.

安曼岛吃海鲜 Seafood at Pulau Aman

前往海鲜餐厅的路途上看见一户马来人家在制作Kuih Kapit。我问了这位马来同胞在岛上是否只有一间海鲜餐厅?她说不是,还有其他的,只是现在是斋月所以都没做生意。

On the way to the floating restaurant, I saw this Malay family making Kuaih Kapit. I asked them whether or not the floating restaurant is the only restaurant on the island? She said no, there are others on the island but due to the Ramadan month, they didn't opened for business.

安曼岛吃海鲜 Seafood at Pulau Aman


This is the famous floating restaurant on the island. The business hour of this restaurant is from 10 AM to 6 PM.

安曼岛吃海鲜 Seafood at Pulau Aman


The floating restaurant only offers seafood noodles, seafood rices, seafood koay teow and bihun and drinks. If you wish to just have the seafood only, you must buy the seafood at the entrance place first and then the restaurant will cook the seafood for you. Though this is a Malay restaurant, yet most of the customers are Chinese!

安曼岛吃海鲜 Seafood at Pulau Aman


The seller don't let the us pick the prawns we want and no discount was allowed. The seller spoke in a bad manner and insisted us to buy 1 KG of prawns. At last, we bought 1 KG of prawns which costed us RM50.

安曼岛吃海鲜 Seafood at Pulau Aman


Besides the 1 KG prawns, we have ordered one plate of prawn noodle and prawn fried rice.

安曼岛吃海鲜 Seafood at Pulau Aman


Some of the prawns were big and some were small. The largest one was about the size of a human face. Anyway, all I can do was to look at these prawns but cannot eat! I am allergic to seafood!

安曼岛吃海鲜 Seafood at Pulau Aman

虾面汤 Prawn Noodle - RM6 (普通 Normal) , RM10 (加料 Special)


Well, I was left with the noodles and fried rice to eat. This was my first time eating prawn noodle and you know what? I instantly fall in love with it! I was not sure how the prawn noddle at the other places taste like, but for this one, it was definitely delicious! It was sweet with a little bit sour, really suit my taste.

安曼岛吃海鲜 Seafood at Pulau Aman

虾炒饭 Prawn Fried Rice - RM6 (普通 Normal) , RM10 (加料 Special)


As for this prawn fried rice, it was totally different from the prawn noddle. The taste was dull and not delicious at all!


We left the island after having our meal. Other than eating seafood, there are other activities can be carried out on the island. For example, hiking, cycling, fishing, camping and so on. All these activities will bring you close to the nature. There are home-stay available on the island but I am not sure about the rate.


  1. 想去安曼岛很久了, 但一直没有机会。

    看见那大大只的虾, 我也好想吃!不知道新鲜吗?

    1. Huiying, 从槟城二桥去的话很快就到了哦~
      我没吃到那些大大只的虾,我对虾过敏~ T_T

  2. Replies
    1. 哈哈。。又多一个同类了! XD

  3. 只能通过车才能到达吗?没有巴士能前往?

  4. 嗨,Lay Yong。巴士服务方面我不是很清楚也,但是在附近没有看见巴士站,所以应该是没有巴士前往吧~
