Thursday 21 August 2014

【槟城自助餐】G Cafe主题式自助晚餐 Theme Buffet Dinner @ G Cafe

G Cafe Buffet Dinner
G Cafe

带着感恩的心,我出席了G Cafe的自助晚餐。这次是受到G Hotel邀请的,也是我人生中第三次享受如此高档生活(第一次是我读大学预科班时,第二次是在Park Royal Hotel为某公司拍摄时)。在接下来的三个月里(八月至十月),G Cafe将呈现一系列的主题式自助晚餐,一个星期里的每一天将有特定的主题。当天是星期二,我们享用的是意大利式自助晚餐。

Dear buffet-lover, get yourself ready for the theme buffet dinners presented by G Cafe! In the following three months (August till October), each day in the week comes with a buffet dinner of different theme. With a thankful heart, I have attended G Cafe's buffet dinner that was invited by G Hotel. This would be my third time attending such grand buffet dinner (the first time was during my matriculation study and the second time was during a shooting job at Park Royal Hotel). I was invited to attend the Tuesday buffet dinner, which is with the theme of "Flavours of Italy".

G Cafe Buffet Dinner

G Cafe的设计既高贵又时尚,环境舒适浪漫,桌椅摆设井井有条。

G Cafe is elegantly designed with modern features and the atmosphere is comfortably romantic. The tables and chairs are arranged in perfect order.

G Cafe Buffet Dinner

G Cafe二十四小时都有营业,也有提供客房服务。餐厅面积广阔,可容纳一百八十人用餐。周末期间的G Cafe可是人潮爆满的哦!

G Cafe is open 24 hours and room service is provided. The cafe has a wide area which can allocate a total of 180 people to dine in and it was always crowded with people during weekends.

G Cafe Buffet Dinner


Since it is a theme buffet, so the foods are less variety compare to the international style buffet dinner.

G Cafe Buffet Dinner


Ms Christina Tan (marketing communication manager) said that though they are lack on the variety of the foods, yet each and every food they serve are cooked with materials of the best quality.

G Cafe Buffet Dinner

▲ Beef Tortelini | Beef Lagsana | Lamb Goulas

说到意大利餐,在我脑海里浮现出的只是意大利面(知识有限)。到了G Cafe后才发现原来意大利料理是那么多元化的,意大利面只不过是一小部分而已,真是让我大开眼界!

When I first knew that I am going for an Italian buffet dinner, all that came into my mind were just spaghetti and pasta (my knowledge is limited). As I was enjoying the buffet dinner at G Cafe, I just realised that spaghetti and pasta were just a small part of Italian cuisine.

G Cafe Buffet Dinner

▲ Risotto With Saffron


As for the food's taste, it depends on each individual as each person taste is unique. Of all the Italian foods, I have only ever tried the pasta and pizza (I just knew on that night that pizza is actually an Italian food). Unfortunately, I cant managed to try out all the food as I was getting myself full at the beginning (a lesson learned, next time don't be too greedy!).


Italian cuisine also comes with seafood such as prawns, mussels and oysters. However, it wasn't really suitable for me as I am allergic to seafood.

G Cafe Buffet Dinner


If Italian cuisine doesn't suite your taste, you can come on the other day for different theme buffet dinner.

G Cafe Buffet Dinner


星期天:早午餐 + 音乐(RM88++)

∴ 主题式自助餐用餐时间是从傍晚六点半至晚上十点
∴ 12岁或以下的孩童免费用餐,60岁或以上的乐龄人士享有50%回扣

G Cafe Buffet Dinner

Following are the themes and prices for different day in the week

Monday : Taste of Asia (RM98++, buy 1 free 1)
Tuesday : Flavours of Italy (98++, 50% discount for all lady diners)
Wednesday : French Bistro (RM98++)
Thursday : Claypot Cooking (RM98++)
Friday : Seafood Feast BBQ (RM108++)
Saturday : Steak & Lobster BBQ (RM108++)
Sunday : Brunch & Music (RM88++)

∴ Theme Buffet Dinner starts from 6.30 PM to 10 PM 
∴ Children 12 years old and below eat for free
Senior citizens 60 years old and above get 50% discount
G Cafe Buffet Dinner


Among the many foods, I was attracted by this cute little glass and I have took one to try out. Inside the glass are the olive, white bean and cherry tomato. On the first bite, I was kinda rejecting the taste (it tastes quite special, I don't know how to describe it) and my friend told me that I have to eat all the ingredients in one go and drink the olive oil. Amazingly, when I put all the things in my mouth, the special taste from before disappeared. Wow, it was just so magic!

G Cafe Buffet Dinner

当然,自助餐最吸引我的地方还是甜点(个人对甜点情有独钟 XD)。看到这一整排的甜点时我特别的兴奋!不过还是那一句,前面吃得太饱了,所以很多甜点都没尝到(看来下次吃自助餐时要先攻甜点了。。哈哈~)。

And, for me of course, the most attractive gourmets in the buffet dinner would be the desserts (personally is a big fan of desserts)! When I saw the desserts, I was really excited! However, I was still too full at that time so I didn't manage to try out all the desserts (perhaps next time I should enjoy the desserts first before having the main course XD).

G Cafe Buffet Dinner

G Cafe的甜点并没有根据当天主题,所以不管哪一天来都能品尝到这些美味的甜点。这些甜点是由一位荣获二十多个奖项的甜点师傅亲自研发的,在其他地方可是吃不到的哦~

 The desserts of the dinner buffet do not follow the theme of the day, that means you get to enjoy these tasty desserts on any day in the week. These desserts are the homemade desserts by Chef Tan Kwee Lian, who has won more than 20 awards for her desserts. Therefore, you cant get these desserts anywhere else except at G Cafe.

G Cafe Buffet Dinner


Personally like this dessert very much. The mouth-feel and the taste are definitely the best for me! For all the desserts served in G Cafe, they are made from the chocolate from Switzerland, which is much tastier than the local chocolate.

G Cafe Buffet Dinner


As for this dessert, I don't really like it as the cookie part is a bit thick which do not give a very good mouth-feel.

G Cafe Buffet Dinner

看见这个巧克力喷泉时,我想起了在金马伦吃过的巧克力草莓(我的特爱甜点之一)。没想到回到了槟城还有机会品尝到,而且除了草莓以外还有其他的配料,最重要的是G Cafe的巧克力味道是一流的!我想,这就是所谓的幸福吧~

When I saw this chocolate fountain, it reminds me of the chocolate strawberry (one of my favourite desserts) that I tried at Cameron Highland. I have never thought that I have the chance to taste this chocolate strawberry in Penang. More importantly, the chocolate at G Cafe is really tasty!


 Another favourite of mine, marshmallow! The fluffy marshmallow dipped with the delicious Swiss chocolate is just simply the best!

G Cafe Buffet Dinner

至于饮料方面,G Cafe有提供顾客普通冰饮。如果想要额外点些餐单上的饮料或是酒饮的话就必须额外付费了。我点了一杯热巧克力,来的时候看见热巧克力上放了我爱的棉花糖,很可爱咯。。哈哈。。热巧克力的甜度和浓度刚好,味道带有苦味,是我喜欢的味道。

最后最后,还是要感谢G Hotel的邀请,让我有机会再次体验这种高档式生活。所未经一事,长一智,下次我知道要如何吃自助餐了! XD

As for the drink, G Cafe do provide ice drink for free. However, if you wish to order other drink or alcohol, you have to pay extra for the drink you order. I have ordered a hot chocolate. When the hot chocolate was served, I saw my favourite marshmallow on top of it. It was kinda cute..haha.. The hot chocolate is not too sweet and taste a little bit bitter, which is the taste I prefer.

Lastly, I want to express my thanks to G Hotel for the invitation. Thank you for the treat! :)

地址 Address
G Hotel Penang, 168A Persiaran Gurney, 10250 Penang, Malaysia

营业时间 Opening Hour
G Cafe:24小时 All Day Dining
主题自助餐 Theme Buffet Dinner:6.30 PM - 10 PM

联络 Contact
Tel:604 238 0000
Fax:604 238 0088

网页 Website

面书专业 Facebook Fan Page
G Hotel Penang


  1. 好多美食!!!
    女生半价!!!太好了 :D

    1. 哈哈。。女生就是有这样的特权!嫉妒咯~ XD

  2. 之前去吃过,食物不错不过就是选择少。看你的分享,这次的食物种类比我上次去的时候多了。

    1. 是的,负责人也和我们说他们的食物选择比起其他自助餐会来得少,因为他们是跟着主题的。
      哈哈。。最后重点还是在于女生有半价,女生们都很幸福咯! XD

  3. 我觉得G Hotel buffet的水准还挺不错的,虽然食物选择没有其它的这么眼花缭乱,不过品质上是有维持到的,我比较喜欢quality than quantity,哈哈哈!

    我最喜欢他们的chocolate fountain,那个巧克力酱不是一般廉价的巧克力酱,味道非常浓郁,好好吃!他们的gelato雪糕我也好爱,不知道现在还有没有提供。

    星期四的claypot cooking好像很特别,不知道到底是怎样的,没有听过这个主题,好新鲜,哈哈!

    1. 嗯,G Hotel的食物都是选用上等材料烹饪的。

      我也和你一样超喜欢他们的Chocolate Fountain的,不过那天真的是很饱了,最后只是硬硬塞了几串。。哈哈。。他们的Gelato雪糕还有哦(我没有拍到 XD)。

      我也对他们的Claypot主题感兴趣,平时我也是爱吃claypot食物的。Claypot Cooking的自助餐一定很特别!

  4. Replies
    1. 星期一:亚洲主题(RM98++,买一送一)
      星期天:早午餐 + 音乐(RM88++)

      ∴ 12岁或以下的孩童免费用餐,60岁或以上的乐龄人士享有50%回扣


  5. 请问是午餐还是晚餐的呢?

    1. Dawn Teoh,是晚餐的。6.30 PM - 10 PM。

  6. 我想请问女生星期二半价的优惠是有限期的吗?持续到什么时候?

    1. 星期二女生半价只限于这次的主题式自助餐,将会持续到2014年10月。

  7. Very nice article! :-)

  8. Thank you very much, Ho Chiak Penang! :)

  9. Monday : Taste of Asia (RM98++, buy 1 free 1) 是什么意思?是不是两个人去,其中一个人是免费?

  10. Kuankuan Wong,这个主题自助餐已经过期了哦~
