Tuesday 18 November 2014

【Penang Cafe】Write To The Future | Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe
Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe at Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling
Ever think of how will you be in the next ten years? Ever have a word to say to your future self? Well, with the future mail service offer by Paper Pepper Postcard Cafe, they can hep you deliver your words to you in the next ten years. This cafe is located at Pitt Street, which is among the shop lots to the left of the Goddess of Mercy Temple (beside Sip & Chew Cafe).

Once again, I would like to thank Jazz for inviting me to this food review. Other bloggers that were attending the review are Jennifer, Jinni, Laygin and Enqvist.

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

In front of the cafe there is a creative seat. The chair is actually the trolley itself! I wonder how it feels to sit on the trolley? XD

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

Paper Pepper Postcard Cafe has two floors. The ground floor is a bit small and the seats are limited. Yet, the space between each seat is quite wide. The ground floor is suitable for two to four persons to dine in.

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

The drinks available in Paper Pepper Postcard Cafe and their respective prices.

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

 Future Mail
Imagine when tomorrow has arrived. What matters today has become another history, and memories, no longer play an integral part of life...

Go ahead, write a postcard and set a date to dispatch it. May it be a week from now, a month or few years. We shall send it on behalf of you.

Whether it's for birthdays, mother's day, a sincere greeting, on Valentine's day for a hearty surprise, or perhaps, a letter for yourself a year from now? You'll never know what lies in the future.
Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

The wall on the right of the ground floor is decorated with 365 "post box", which each post box represents each day in the year. Customers can drop the written postcard in the preferred "post box" and Paper Pepper Postcard Cafe will deliver the postcard for you according to the selected day.

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

If you want to send the postcard to few years later, do drop your postcard in the post box on the wall on the left. Each of this post box represent a different year.

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

The drawing of the post boxes were drawn by the Paper Pepper Postcard Cafe own staff. Nice isn't it?

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

Currently, there are six artists designing the postcards in the cafe. The cafe itself is not making any profit from the selling of the postcard as the money gain is used to hire these artists. One postcard is sold at RM5. It is free of charge if the postcard is delivered within the first year but RM5 per year will be charge for the subsequent years up to ten years.

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

This is the cafe's upper floor, which is where we had our lunch that day. The space of the upper floor is wide and the colourful environment made me feel happy. Oh ya, the wall painting was drawn by the cafe's staff as well.

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

There is a small corner with cushions beside the window. I bet couple will like it..haha.. However, it is a bit hot at this corner during the afternoon time.

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

There is a board on the upper floor for the customers to leave their comment. The board is filled with the colourful comments.

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

There are some antiques decorations below the comment board (those are antiques, right? XD).

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe
Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

Some of the comments left by the customer, most are good feedback.

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe
Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

Mint Chocolate【RM11】

As usual, we ordered our own drinks. This is the mint chocolate that I have ordered. For me, it is a little bit too sweet.

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe
Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

Signature Coffee Coconut Latte【RM12】

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

Signature Coffee Mint Latte【RM12】

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

Mango Passion Smoothie【RM12】

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

Strawberry Smoothie【RM12】

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

Passion Lychee Soda【RM9】

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe


At the first sight, I thought that this is a sushi set! Well, according to Wikipedia, Canapés is actually a is a small, prepared and usually decorative food, held in the fingers and often eaten in one bite.

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

Pig In The Blanket【RM10】

The sausage is wrapped with bacon and is grilled. The sauce that pour on it made the bite even more juicy!

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe
Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

Toast Box【RM12.50】

One big square crunchy toast topped with scrambled egg and vegetables with the sweet dressing around it. Feel like having a bite?

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe
Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

Big Breakfast【RM21】

As the name suggests, this is one big set of breakfast! It contains toast, streaky bacon stripes, sausages, scrambled eggs, baked beans and fresh greens.

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe
Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

Grilled Saba Fish【RM17.90】

I don't really like to eat fish (I am a bit picky XD), so I just have a bite on this one. It tastes good and sweet. Though, I do love the vegetable at the side very much! It tastes sweet as well!

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe
Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

Grilled Chicken Chop With Cheese【RM16.90】

Personally think that this chicken chop tastes normal only as the gravy is not that attractive to me.

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

Aglio Olio Mushroom【RM15.90】

This aglio olio tastes spicy. Do take note for those who don't eat spicy food.

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

Carbonara WIth Bacon And Egg【RM17.90】

The egg yolk mixed perfectly with the creamy sauce which gives the carbonara creamy yet soft sensation. Personally like this dish!

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

Chocolate Pancake【RM15】

I am a little bit disappointed with the dessert. Though the presentation is undoubtedly nice, but the taste is not as good (maybe it is because I didn't eat the pancake together with the ice-cream).

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe
Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

Cake Of The Day

Paper Pepper Postcard Cafe has two different types of cake each week. Kindly ask the waitress for today's Cake of the Day.

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

Business Hour
Tuesday to Friday:3 PM - 12 AM
Saturday & Sunday:11 AM - 12 AM
Rest on Monday

70, Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling, 10200 George Town, Malaysia

Phone:04-261 4291

Facebook Fan Page
Paper Pepper

This post was originally written on 18th October 2014

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