Saturday 2 August 2014

【Travel In Perlis】2nd Day Of The Beautiful 2D1N Trip Of Perlis | Padang Besar + Kaki Bukit "Dua Pao" + Gua Kelam + Timah Tasoh Dam

2D1N Perlis Trip
Beautiful Perlis Trip

In the end, we bid farewell to each other and..... Hey, hold on a sec, the story of second day yet to tell! Restart! Restart! In this beautiful morning, our Perlis trip has entered the second day. Yesterday we have conquered the southern area of Perlis so today we will hunt down the northern part of Perlis.

2D1N Perlis Trip

We took our rest for about 8 hours and woke up at 8 AM. After settled everything, we went to the ground floor to take some photos with the cozy environment of Sanctuary Garden. Then, we checked out and headed out looking for our breakfast.
By the way, I snapped this photo of Pei Yin without she knowing it. She is just beautiful.

2D1N Perlis Trip

We have our breakfast at nearby coffee shop and we asked the local at there for some road guide. The local was a patient man. He explained the road to us in detail and drew a map for us. However, we let his efforts go in vain. We were lost just not long after we left the coffee shop. We turned into a small road and came to a dead end. These were the expression of getting lost, kinda cute, don't you think?

2D1N Perlis Trip

Though we were lost, yet we met with this beautiful view, so we must take a photo with a happy expression as well..haha..

2D1N Perlis Trip

Our first stop was to visit the sugarcane field. However, the local told us that since the sugarcane field was sold to our PM's wife, Rosmah, the sugarcane field has turned into rubber plantations. Well, there was nothing we can do about it so we headed to our next location. On the way to the next location, we will still pass through the former sugarcane field. Though we still can see some sugarcane, but the portions were really little. Unexpectedly, this disappointment turn out to be a surprise. Along the way of the former sugarcane field, we have seen some breathtaking view. It was hard to believe that this amazing view is in Malaysia! We stopped our car half way and went down to take some photos.

2D1N Perlis Trip

The time was 11 AM and it was quite hot that time. Though the sky was not so blue, but it was way more prettier compared to yesterday sky. I was deeply falling in love with the mountains far away. The curves were really amazing and you know what, these were the most beautiful scene I have ever seen. Both side along the road were the wide greenish plain. It was so wide that I cant see an end to it. I wished to run to the middle of the road and shoot at there but the cars were just too fast and furious. So in the end, I gave up on this thought.

2D1N Perlis Trip

This is one of my faourite photos of the day. Well, there wasn't many chances to take photo beside the expressway with such breathtaking view.

2D1N Perlis Trip

Along the way we saw wooden houses pop out on the plain. When we saw a wooden house, we will shout out excitingly, now when I think of it it was kinda funny..haha..

2D1N Perlis Trip

We arrived at Padang Besar at 12 PM. This is the part nearest to Thailand, therefore many Thailand influences can be seen here. In Padang Besar, all we can do was shopping at the market and tried out the Thai food. We have tried the Pulut Mangga and I loved it!

2D1N Perlis Trip

Basically, the goods sold in Padang Besar market can be divided into three categories, clothes, accessories and foods. The prices of these goods were just about the same as the normal price, it ain't cheaper.

2D1N Perlis Trip

Next stop will be our lunch time. We planned to have the famous Kaki Bukit "Dua Bao" (Giant Chinese Bun) as our lunch.

2D1N Perlis Trip

According to the local, there were two places selling "Dua Bao". The one with the Chinese words "Da Bao Dian" was the one that has sold "Dua Bao" for a longer time, the other one was just newly opened.

2D1N Perlis Trip

Bad luck, the "Dua Bao" that we were craving for has sold out! It was only 1 PM when we reached there. It seems that we have no fate with the "Dua Bao", too bad. Anyway, we still need to settle our lunch. We have ordered one "Cha Shao" bun, one pork bun (the hawker said the pork bun is the smaller version of "Dua Bao"), one Pulut Chiken, one Shao Bao and a Curry Puff. Personally think that the "Cha Shao" bun taste nice but the pork bun was just so so. I wasn't really like the Pulut Chicken. As for the Shao Bao, Pei Yin said that she preferred Seremban one.

2D1N Perlis Trip

After having our lunch, we head towards our next station, Gua Kelam. Gua Kelam is just about 500 meters from the "Dua Bao" shop. When we arrived, another bad luck awaits us. The cave was temporally closed! It seems that Kaki Bukit was not welcoming us at all, we didn't get the chance to try the "Dua Bao" and now we cant entered the cave. Haiz~

2D1N Perlis Trip

Well, all I can do was taking a photo of Gua Kelam from afar.

2D1N Perlis Trip

Since we have came, we decided to walk around. At the hill bottom there is a small river. Many people came here to picnic and play water. I saw someone washing their hair at the river and have polluted the river water. They really shouldn't do so!

2D1N Perlis Trip

We saw this cute little monkey on the tree. Anyone knows what type of monkey is it?

2D1N Perlis Trip

Then we saw there was a hiking place nearby. Since we were there already, so we decided to hike it.

2D1N Perlis Trip

When we hike until the half way, we saw a cement stage being built on the mountain. Well, we cant really see any nice view from the stage, the view was all blocked by the trees. This drawing was found on the stage, so we took a photo as a souvenir.

2D1N Perlis Trip

Our next station is this Timah Tasoh Dam, which was our last location in Perlis. We arrived at the dam on 3 PM and the sky started to turn blue (too bad we have to leave soon). Timah Tasoh Dam has two entrances, one is at the construction place and the other one is the main entrance. We entered from the entrance at the construction place, but without the permission from the authority..hehe..

2D1N Perlis Trip

Still, I love the mountains in Perlis very much! Those curves were even more attractive under the beautiful blue sky. Timah Tasoh dam has a wider area compared to the Penang's Teluk Bahang dam and Air Itam dam. As for the view, each of them has their own beauty.

2D1N Perlis Trip

The small road along the dam is leading towards the main entrance.

2D1N Perlis Trip

At last, we were found out by the workers. They said that this area is prohibited and asked us to leave.

2D1N Perlis Trip

We saw this beautiful paddy field not far from the dam. The paddy field shines brightly under the hot sun. We stopped our car and took a photo of it.

2D1N Perlis Trip

We happened to pass by the dam's main gate along the way. Since we weren't taking enough photo at the other side, so we have decided to go in again via the main entrance. This time we went in legally, just that the guard was taking his afternoon nap at that time so we didn't wanted to wake him up. So, we entered quietly.

2D1N Perlis Trip

We can reach the boundary of the dam from the main entrance side. It felt just like at the sea side.

2D1N Perlis Trip

I saw this view at the dam's main entrance side. It would be nice to set this view as the desktop wallpaper, don't you think?

2D1N Perlis Trip

And so, we say goodbye to Perlis and head back to Penang. On the way back, we were blocked by a patrol police car. The police said that this was just a normal check up but we suspected that the car we rented must be involving in some illegal case. Otherwise, it must be our lucky day as this was the first time all of us were blocked by a police car on the expressway!

2D1N Perlis Trip

Before we back to Penang, we went to Raja Uda to meet a friend and have our dinner at there. Of course, the famous tomyam is not to be missed when we were in Raja Uda. It has been years we stayed in Penang but this was the first time we all tried out this tomyam. Throughout the trip, there were many things that were our first time.

2D1N Perlis Trip

We reached Penang at around 9.30 PM. We fetched Pei Yin to buy the bus ticket back to her hometown and then sent her back to hostel for her to pack her luggage. After taking some rest, we sent Pei Yin to the bus terminal and bid farewell to her. After this, we wont have much time meeting each other anymore, gonna miss her so much!

And so, the simple and easy Perlis two days trip has came to the end. After this, we will be taking different paths and continue with our own journey. May the best of luck be with us.

This post was originally written on 2nd July 2014

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