Wednesday 3 December 2014

【Jumpface Campaign】Win A FREE Skydiving Adventure Worth RM3000 |

Seeties Jumpface Campaign
Seeties Jumpface Campaign

After one whole year of hard work and efforts, Seeties is now officially launched! To celebrate this grand launching, Seeties is holding a nationwide JUMP contest, which the winner wins away a 10,000 skydiving adventure that worth RM3000! It's the first time ever in Malaysia for a startup to throw this one of a kind campaign. Don't miss it!

Months ago, I have won a free 2D1N stay at Malihom Retreat from a campaign organised by Seeties. The stay was definitely the best that I have ever experience! When I get to know that Seeties was having another campaign, I was really excited! Not to mention that the prize is the skydiving experience! I am so wanna win this!

Seeties Jumpface Campaign
Details about Seeties Jumpface Campaign

How to win?

1. Log in with your Seeties account on If you have not yet registered, visit

2. Upload a selfie of your Jumpface through Seeties JUMP page. Imagine yourself falling down from the plane. Be creative!

3. Share your Jumpface on Facebook and invite your friends to vote, as many time as possible but limited to one vote a day.

7 contestants who receive the most votes by 3 January 2015 win a FREE skydiving! Start your JUMP campaign today!

What's there for you?
Nationwide media and social media coverage and supports from famous Malaysian celebrities. The winners and most creative participants will be featured in national and local media!

Seeties Jumpface Campaign

  What if I don't really want to jump? 
Think again! Such opportunity might never come your way, completely free of charge! But if you really don't want to try, you can just challenge your friend to join the competition, by choosing their name on the Challenge page here.

Seeties Jumpface Campaign

I am going to participate in this campaign as a Seetizen Expert with this Jumpface of mine. Hope that all of you can vote for me. I hope that all of you can take part in this campaign as well, who knows we might end up skydiving together? XD

The votes will be refresh everyday, so I have a small request to ask of all of you. I hope that you can vote for me as many times as possible (but limited to one vote a day). I really really want to win this, there might not be another 2nd time if I miss this one. Thank you for supporting me!

Below is the link to my Jumpface. Thanks! XD
Are you ready to JUMP?!


  1. 谢谢你,Grace!你也一起来参与吧~ :)

  2. 不了,17号我不在国内^^

  3. 哦,太可惜了~
    谢谢你啊!感恩~ =]
