Monday 24 June 2013


大家好,是不是觉得这只小黑猫很熟悉呢?没错,它就是在Lebuh Pantai消防局后面的小黑猫。原本只有29只小黑猫的壁画如今增加了16名成员。现在一共有45只小黑猫了。
一路沿着这条小巷,从Lebuh Pantai至Lebuh Victoria,小黑猫都无处不在。多亏了我的朋友告诉我我才会回去看的,要不然真的是错过了。在这45只小黑猫里,我发现了一只比较特别的,这一只竟然有椰子水喝呢。。哈哈。。如果还有机会经过Lebuh Pantai消防局的话,就去探望这些新加入的成员吧!

Hi guys, does this kitten looks familiar to you? Correct, it is the little black kitten that was located at the back of the Lebuh Pantai fire station. Previously, there were only 29 little black kittens, but recently, my friend told me that there were some new members added in to the mural. So, I pay them a visit again today and yes, there were 16 new members added in and now, the mural has a total of 45 little black kittens. Among this kittens, I found one that was slightly more blessed than the others. Why? Because this kitten is served with a coconut..haha.. In future, if you happen to pass by the fire station again, do remember to drop by at this small alley and pay the newly added members a warm visit.

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