Tuesday 25 June 2013


今天的猫咪狩猎收获蛮不错哦~ 之前已经收集了51只猫咪,如今又多了44只猫咪被列入我的收藏了。今天我发现了3个新的壁画,Gat Lebuh Armenian的2只小猫(左上图),Lebuh Victoria共撑一把伞的8只猫(右上图)和谢公司的18只猫咪(下图)。
剩下的16只(新增的)就是在Lebuh Pantai消防局背面发现的。看来距离101只猫咪的目标已经不远了,还剩下6只耶!加油!!!

The result for today 101 Lost Kittens mural hunting is quite satisfying. Previously, I have collected a total of 51 cats, and now, another 44 cats were added into my collection. Today, I have found 3 new mural paintings. First one is at the Gat Lebuh Armenian (the upper left photo), second one is at the Lebuh Victoria (the upper right photo) and the third one is at the Cheah Kongsi (the lower photo). Another 16 kittens was found at the back of Lebuh Pantai fire station which are the newly added kittens to the existing one. It seems that the journey to achieving the goal of 101 kittens is not too far, now I just have to collect another 6 kittens! All the best for me!

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