Thursday 4 July 2013



Today, I am sick. So, I settle my dinner at a nearby food court, Super Tanker below my house. I ordered a Chinese herbal noodle. I am thinking that it might be proper to have some herbal for a sick person like me. In Penang, there are not much places selling Chinese herbal noodle. I am lucky that there is one nearby my house and it's Chinese herbal noodle isn't bad at all. This stall offers it's Chinese herbal noodle at a price of RM4.50 and RM5 for an egg added. Usually, I will ordered one with egg. There are three type of meats to choose from, chicken, pork and fish. These meat are soft and delicious with the nice smell of Chinese herbal. If you wan to try out this Chinese herbal noodle, do come to Super Tanker. Super Tanker is located nearby Lip Sin Garden area, next to the SMJK Phor Tay.

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