Wednesday 3 July 2013


前几天,和几位朋友来到了这间气氛蛮不错的餐厅,爱琴海享用晚餐。爱琴海位于94号Burma Road,就在The Little Cottage的旁边。餐厅的前方是给二至四人用餐的,而后方就有个角落可以容纳十至十二人用餐,适合用于庆生或是一些派对。在餐厅的后方有个心形的壁画,相信应该有不少的情侣把这心形壁画当成拍摄背景吧。至于食物方面,要西餐有西餐,要中餐有中餐,要素食有素食,而且价钱也不算太贵。

Few days ago, I have came to this Santorini Cafe with some friends for dinner. Santorini is located at 94, Burma Road, just beside The Little Cottage. The front side of this cafe is for 2 to 4 people to dine in while there is a corner at the back side that can accommodate up to 12 people. This corner is suitable for celebrating birthday or having a party. At the back side of the cafe, there is a heart shape mural painting. If you are there with your boyfriend or girlfriend, don't miss out the chance to snap a photo with it. For the food, the variety is very wide. You can get Chinese food, western food and even vegetarian food here. I have ordered an oat chicken chop which I think it is quite special. And there is another special chicken chop on the menu which is the coffee chicken chop that I have never heard of. Of all, the food that draws my attention the most is the 32cm gigantic burger! Oh my God, it's 32cm! The price for this burger is RM36.90 and I think it has to get 4 to 5 people to finish it off. If I have the chance to dine in this cafe with friends again, I will definitely challenge this gigantic burger.

For more information, please visit the Santorini Cafe, Penang official Facebook page.

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