Monday 19 August 2013


Another minion in Georgetown

这幅小黄人壁画就在Lebuh Ah Quee的林公司的墙上。个人认为此壁画的功能只是纯粹为了吸引更多的游客,或者更准确的说法应该是顾客。我想你们应该明白我的意思吧。

Geowgetown nowadays is flooded with mural painting everywhere. Recently, there are several minions mural being painted on various wall of Georgetown. This phenomenon seems to have grab the attention of many people and each with their own opinion. This minion mural is located at the wall of Lim Kongsi at Ah Quee Street. Personally think that the main function of this mural painting is to attract more tourists, or more precisely is to attract more customers. Well, you know what I mean.

这幅凯蒂猫壁画也是最近才完成的,就在Lebuh Armenian的绣珠鞋的店前。

This Hello Kitty mural was also just completed recently, it is at the front of the Nyonya Beaded Shoes shop at Armenian Street.


Frankly speaking, I have started to feel disgusted by the murals recently. The murals drawn by Ernest one year ago and the mural drawn nowadays are of total different feeling. I do feel that the murals nowadays have involved the commercial purpose and it is not to beautify Georgetown. If it is possible, I hope that the mural can be drawn inside the shop if it is for the business purpose and should include the element of Georgetown cultural.


All written above is purely my personal opinion. If it is offended, do please forgive me.

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