Wednesday 21 August 2013

【Penang Event】Penang Bon Odori 2013 | Esplanade

Penang Bon Odori 2013
Penang Bon Odori 2013

The Penang yearly event, Bon Odori is back again. This has been the 17th year. Same as always, it is celebrated at the esplanade Penang. The Bon Orodi festival for this year falls on the 20th of July, which is one day earlier than last year.

Penang Bon Odori 2013

Same as last year, this year Bon Odori was accompanied by two good friends of mine too. About 6pm, we met up at the road beside esplanade. There are already a lot of people gathering at there.

Penang Bon Odori 2013

 Everything here that deal with money has to pay with coupon. My friends has bought a RM20 coupon. These three beautiful girls here are the coupon seller.

Penang Bon Odori 2013

The coupon is divided into RM1, RM2, RM3 and RM4.
Basically, the stalls here are divided into three main group, the food stall, goods stall and the gaming stall.

Penang Bon Odori 2013
Penang Bon Odori 2013
Penang Bon Odori 2013

These are the food stalls.

Penang Bon Odori 2013
Penang Bon Odori 2013
Penang Bon Odori 2013

These are the stalls that sell goods. The goods include accessory, daily necessities, and some Japanese goods.

Penang Bon Odori 2013
Penang Bon Odori 2013
Penang Bon Odori 2013

And these are the gaming section.

Penang Bon Odori 2013

This little girl with her kimono is so kawaii! 

Penang Bon Odori 2013Penang Bon Odori 2013

You can see many people are wearing kimono around esplanade.

Penang Bon Odori 2013

And there are people cosplaying the ghost as well.

Penang Bon Odori 2013

In this wide green field, many people cover the ground with mat and then the whole family sitting on it enjoying the night.

Penang Bon Odori 2013

This is the performance of the traditional Japanese musical instrument, three string guitar.

Penang Bon Odori 2013
Penang Bon Odori 2013
Penang Bon Odori 2013

Among the dancer, he is the one that enjoyed the dancing the most. The audiences were attracted by his performance and everyone were happy looking at him!

Penang Bon Odori 2013
Penang Bon Odori 2013

Well, a Bon Odori without some performances is not a Bon Odori anymore. The interesting performances on that night include the traditional three strings guitar performed by the Japanese and the Japanese traditional dance which is performed by the Japanese as well. Of course, the local has performed some dancing on the stage as well. Around 9.30pm, me and my friends went to an Indian restaurant to have our dinenr, and so, we miss the fireworks performance.

Frankly speaking, I personally think that the Bon Odori this year is no way better than last year Bon Odori. The performances are not as interesting as last year and the variety is lesser. Below is the link to some photos I snap during the Bon Odori last year.

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This post was originally written on 21st July 2013

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