Thursday 8 August 2013



这幅阿江包记壁画就在Lebuh Leith那里,是画在一间叫作大上海洗染公司的墙上的。从Lebuh Chulia走向Jalan Penang的方向,看到东方酒店(Lebuh Chulia的尽头)时转右,然后就会进入Lebuh Leith了。注意别越过东方酒店哦,越过了就是到Jalan Penang了。这幅壁画就在东方酒店的隔壁。

I met with this uncle selling Chinese bun mural when I was working in this morning. This mural painting looks very new, most probably it is just finished few days ago. This uncle selling Chinese bun mural is located at Leith Street. It is on a wall of a building name Great Shanghai Dry-Cleaning. Walked from Chulia Street towards the Penang Road direction, turn right to enter Leith Street when you see the Oriental Hotel which is at the end of Chulia Street. Be careful not to pass through the Oriental Hotel because you will be reaching Penang Road if you do so. This mural painting is just beside the Oriental Hotel.

阿江壁画右上方画着一个Wil House Road的路标。路标里还附有面子书的电邮。在好奇心的驱使下,就上面子书找了找。原来所谓的Wil House其实是一间旅馆,这间旅馆就是大上海洗染公司本身。这幅壁画应该也是该旅馆画上去的,至于为什么是画卖包子的呢就得去问问旅馆的负责人了。

On the top right corner of the mural, there is a road sign with Wil House Road on it. There is also a Facebook email written on the road sign. Out of curiosity, I went to search on Facebook. So, this Wil House is actually a boutique hotel, which is the Great Shanghai Dra-Cleaning building itself. Probably, this mural painting is drawn by Wil House Hotel and the reason why it is an uncle selling Chinese bun mural, this will have to ask the hotel owner.

Below are the Facebook links for Wil House Boutique Hotel:

Contact Person : Wilson
Mobile No. : 012-411 4883
Email :

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