Tuesday 5 November 2013

沉寂人物之一:P. Ramlee

Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr. P. Ramlee

相信有关注马来电影的朋友都知道壁画里的人物是谁吧。没错,他就是本地著名的导演及演员Dr. P. Ramlee。除了贡献在电影界,P. Ramlee在娱乐圈子也是付出不少的。他也是一名作词,作曲及演唱家。

I believe that most Malaysian know who is the person in this mural. He was a local famous director and actor, Dr. P. Ramlee. Beside contributed in the film world, Dr. P. Ramlee has also played an important role in the entertainment world. He is a singer, songwriter and a composer.

前阵子,朋友开车经过Batu Uban时,看到了这幅壁画。由于壁画在我家附近,刚好今天又无所事事,所以就走去拍了。这幅壁画就在理大附近,开车从双溪赖前往Sunny Point,红绿灯后转右然后直走一小段路就会看到壁画在你的左边了。由于是条大路,所以车子是无法停下的,要拍照的话就只好走路了。

在壁画旁边有相关网址,回家时上网查了一查。原来,这是由亚齐文化中心所发动的沉寂人物计划。这项计划的主要目的是为了纪念我国已故伟人及唤起国人对环境的关注,尤其是非主流景点。为完成此计划,亚齐文化中心集合了全马各地艺术家,为槟城的12个景点画上12名已故伟人。这幅P. Ramlee壁画其实是第二幅壁画了,第一幅是在公巴围墙处的Awang Had Salleh肖像。接下来的每个月,画家们会在不同的地点画上不同的大马已故伟人。

A while ago, when my friend was driving me back home, I saw this mural when we passed through Batu Uban. Since this mural is near to my house, and since I have nothing to do for today, so I have walked a distance to take a photo of this mural. This mural is located near USM. Drive from Sungai Dua towards Sunny Point and eventually you will come to a traffic light. Turn right from the traffic light and drive straight. You will soon see this P. Ramlee mural on the big wall at your right. Since it is a main road, you wont be able to stop your car in the middle of the road. If you wish to take a photo of this mural, walking would be the best option.

Next to this mural, there is a web address. I have searched for this website and what I found is that this mural is actually a project called 'The Silent Figure Project' runs by Lebuh Acheh Interpretation Center. The objective of this project is to commemorate the local late great man and to raise the public awareness towards the surrounding environment especially those of the non-mainstream. Artists from around Malaysia have lend their help to carry out this project. They will each month draw a mural in 12 different locations in Penang. This P. Ramlee mural is actually the second mural. The first one is the Awang Had Salleh mural drawn in Teluk Kumbar.


Below is the link to Lebuh Acheh Interpretation Center. Lets give them a 'LIKE'!


  1. 名字很熟,小时候读的历史都忘了!!! =]

    1. 哈哈。。上网找找看吧,是大马很有名的伟人哦~
