Friday 8 November 2013

【Penang Gourmet】One Of The Best Pasembur In Penang | Batu Lancang Market

Batu Lancang Pasembur
Batu Lancang Pasembur

When I first heard of Pasembur, I was blur and has no idea what it is. After some time, I just realise that it is actually an Indian's food, more like Indian salad. Pasembur mainly consists of slices of cucumber and turnip, prawn fritters, beancurd and other ingredients. I have only heard this Pasembur food in Penang and not other state.

Although it is an Indian's food, but Chinese does sell it as well. The biggest different between the Chinese Pasembur and Indian Pasembur is their sauce. This afternoon, I have went to Batu Lancang Market to taste my most favourite Pasembur of all. I like it's sauce very much. It is sweet and a bit spicy. What's more is that there are jellyfish in the Pasembur which makes it tastes even nicer!

Batu Lancang Pasembur

Besides the sauce and the jellyfish, this crispy prawn fritter is another reason why I like this Pasembur very much.

Batu Lancang Pasembur

This is the price of the Pasembur. If you are having it alone, I suggest that you order a medium one so that you can be satisfied with it.

Batu Lancang Pasembur

I was riding the Rapid bus to Batu Lancang. If you are a USM's student or residents that are staying near USM area, you can spend RM1.40 and take the No.301 bus (remember not to ride the No.303 bus). If you are going from Jetty bus terminal, you can take No.11 bus. These two bus will pass through this Batu Lancang bus stop and you have to get off the bus at there.

Batu Lancang Pasembur

Behind the bus stop and to the left, it is the Batu Lancang market. The first entrance to this market is located beside this small temple.

Batu Lancang Pasembur

Walking down further a bit and you will come to the second entrance of the market.

Batu Lancang Pasembur

This is how the market looks like if you enter form the second entrance.

Batu Lancang Pasembur

Entering from the second entrance, walk a two to three steps and then turn left. Now, look at your left again and you will see this Pasembur stall. According to the hawker, their business hour is from 12pm to 6pm and open 7 days a week.

Lastly, for those who are taking bus, do remember to bring an umbrella with you. If you are going back to Sungai Dua area, then you will have to go to the main road there to wait for the bus. Today, I was walking in the rain to the main road and it really has some distance. When I reach the main road's bus stop, I was already all wet!

This post was originally written on 8th October 2013

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