Thursday 29 May 2014

【Penang Gourmet】A Healthy Breakfast & Lunch Western Cuisine Without MSG | Daddy's Farm

Daddy's Farm Breakfast and Lunch Western Cuisine
Pan Fried Chicken Picata - RM10

Nowadays, almost all food we get at the hawker stall will be added with monosodium glutamate (MSG). It is not easy to find a hawker stall where it's food is MSG free. Today, I was lucky to have met with this western cuisine hawker stall, Daddy's Farm where it is practicing healthy food services. All it's food are MSG free!

I came to this hawker stall because few days ago I have seen a post of my friend on Facebook of this pan fried chicken picata. The look of this chicken picata was very attractive and so I have decided to give it a try. When I reached there, I asked the hawker, Ah Xiang, as what food would he recommend (because I cant find the chicken picata photo at the front of the stall), and he started to introduce me with the breakfast. Then, I told him that I was actually there for the chicken picata and then he told me that the chicken picata was actually in the today's special menu, so it doesn't have any photo.

Daddy's Farm Breakfast and Lunch Western Cuisine

This chicken picata is cooked with the chicken breast (in fact all the dishes of Daddy's Farm are using the chicken breast), and is pan fried. The chicken breast is wrapped with a thin layer of egg first before it was cooked. Ah Xiang told me that he has put some Parmesan cheese powder on the chicken breast but I couldn't tasted it. The red sauce at the side is the tomato sauce.

Daddy's Farm Breakfast and Lunch Western Cuisine

Overall, the taste of this chicken picata was not that heavy, it is just how the healthy food would taste like. As for the chicken breast, the hardness is not too hard, it can be easily slice off with a knife. Ah Xiang told me that it is not an easy task to control the hardness of the chicken breast, therefore most hawkers will prefer to cook the drumstick rather than chicken breast.

Daddy's Farm Breakfast and Lunch Western Cuisine

I add on one bowl of mushroom soup with RM3. If you ordered the ala carte mushroom soup, it would be Rm4.50. The mushroom soup is a bit dilute (I like the really creamy one) and it tastes sour. Ah Xiang told me that the sour taste of the soup came from the mushroom itself as mushroom is actually fungi.

Daddy's Farm Breakfast and Lunch Western Cuisine

This is the tomato sauce of the chicken picata.

Daddy's Farm Breakfast and Lunch Western Cuisine

The tomato sauce is actually the sauce on top of the spaghetti. Ah Xiang said that in western cuisine, the same sauce can be used to cook many different dishes. He also told me that he is practicing the traditional ways of cooking, which is without adding MSG (many of the western countries are still practicing this traditional ways).

Daddy's Farm Breakfast and Lunch Western Cuisine

Ah Xiang has been in this line for more that 10 years. He used to be a disciple at Shangri La Hotel (now known as Traders Hotel) and after that he went to Singapore to further sharpen his cooking skill. He has been staying at Singapore for 7 years and just came back to Penang recently. He opened his own stall, Daddy's Farm on 10th March 2014.

Daddy's Farm Breakfast and Lunch Western Cuisine

Daddy's Farm is located at a corner of Seong Huat hawker center. The reason that Ah Xiang choose Daddy's Farm as his stall name is because he is now a father. He wanted to create the warm feeling for those family that are having their breakfast at Daddy's Farm.

Daddy's Farm Breakfast and Lunch Western Cuisine
Photo taken from Daddy's Farm Facebook Fan Page
Daddy's Farm Breakfast and Lunch Western Cuisine
Photo taken from Daddy's Farm Facebook Fan Page
Daddy's Farm Breakfast and Lunch Western Cuisine
Photo taken from Daddy's Farm Facebook Fan Page
Daddy's Farm Breakfast and Lunch Western Cuisine

Business Hour
7am - 3pm
Rest on Friday once a fortnight

No. 1, Jalan Larut, 10050 George Town, Malaysia

Seong Huat Hawker Center

Contact(Reservation Available)
016 - 458 6411

Facebook Fan Page
Daddy's Farm Western Cuisine

This post was originally written on 29th April 2014

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