Sunday 17 November 2013

【Penang Tourism】Go Nature With The Lovely Goats | Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm
Saanen Dairy Goat Farm at Balik Pulau

Many kids nowadays are living in the virtual world behind the screen. Most of them have isolated themselves with the mother nature and so do I. I have spent most of my time on Facebook and gaming. I still remember the feeling when the first time I visited this Saanen Dairy Goat Farm, I was deeply attracted by the environment at there. It was the first time in my life that I was this close with the goat and that feeling still fresh in my mind.

After finished the mural painting at Sacred Heart primary school, She Fu has came to Saanen Dairy Goat Farm. I cant remember how many times I have went to this goat farm, but one thing for sure is that every time I went to the goat farm, I was so happy and excited.

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

Due to the narrowness of the path to the goat farm, our bus dropped us at the big field near the entrance and then we all walked to the goat farm.

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

After a little walk, we reached the goat farm.

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

Mr. Ho welcomed us warmly and introduced his goat farm to us.

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

Mr. Ho is a friendly person and he always put a smile on his face.

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

This is Mr. Ho's goat farm. It is just below his house.

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

The goats were welcoming us. Er.. I mean welcoming the grass that we are about to feed them..haha..

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

Mr. Ho was explaining everything about the goats. After listening to Mr. Ho, I have gain some precious knowledge regard the life of goats. Beside Mr. Ho, his daughter is also a good speaker.

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

The first year students were feeding the goats.

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

It is me and the goat!

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

Eason and the goat

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

Jie Hui and the goat

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

Elyse and the goat

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

A first year student and the goat

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

Cherish and the goat

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

Showing his love to the goat?

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

This shy little goat refuse to look at the camera no matter what..haha..

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm


Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

After feeding the goats, Mr. Ho thought us the technique of milking the goats.

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

At first, Mr. Ho milking the goats with his bare hands. Only after two years, Mr. Ho started to use the machine for milking the goats.

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

After the demonstration by Mr. Ho, it is time that the She Fu people challenge themselves.

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

Beside raising goats, Mr. Ho also raised chickens and peacock. There use to be rabbit around but unfortunately, all of them have died.

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

These two dogs are raised by Mr. Ho's family. The brown colour dog is a clever dog. He will follow quietly by the visitors side to protect them.

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

This is the cutest dog among all.

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

Cutie + Cutie

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

Cutie + Another cutie

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

Accidentally saw this lizard. I still remember that last time I saw a gigantic spider.

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

Next is the time for weaving grasshopper and dragonfly.

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

The first year students were doing it seriously.

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

This is the coconut leaf that is yet to expose to sunlight. And so, it's colour is light yellow instead of green.

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

Take a group photo with own masterpiece

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

And the seniors want a group photo too

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

This is the grasshopper

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

This is the dragonfly

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

This is a ball made by Mr. Ho's daughter

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

This is a crab and it was made by Mr. Ho daughter as well.

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

Our last activity at the goat farm is making soap. First, pour in the liquid into one third of the container.

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

Then, choose the shape you like and put it on the liquid and wait for the liquid to solidify.

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

Next, drop a few drops of colour pigment on the solid and then pour the liquid on it again. Now, it is time to let our imagination run wild and it is the time to test our skill. We have to draw the pattern we like with a stick before the liquid become solid.

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

After completing the pattern, pour the last layer of the liquid and it is done.

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

This is the completed soap.

Mrs. Ho said that in the near future she will give lesson on making the more beautiful soap. Beside making soap, Mrs. Ho also give lesson on how to make Chinese bun.

If you wish to see the mural of the goat farm and want to know how to get to the goat farm, please refer to 短暂的养羊场之旅.

In the end, my camera has run out of battery and I didn't manage to take a group photo at the goat farm. So, this is all for the goat farm, hope you will pay a visit to this goat farm someday.

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This post was originally written on 17th October 2013

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