Sunday 17 November 2013

【Penang Cafe】Alcoholic Ice Cream Served With Chili & Salt | 43 Cafe

Big Boy Burger
In Malaysia, it is hard for us to find pork burger at the roadside burger stall and most of the restaurants. They are mostly offering chicken and beef burgers. Just not far from USM, there is a house called 43 Cafe selling pork burger. Yesterday, me and two friends have came to this 43 Cafe. One of my friends has ordered this 'Big Boy' burger and the price is RM8.90.

I ordered the daily special burger, Grilled Chicken Burger (GCB) which is RM8.90 as well. If I am to comment on the taste, I would say that it tastes just normal because I have ever tried the more delicious burger at roughly the same price.

This is my ordered drink, Ice Chocolate (RM3). I have to say that I am not satisfy with the taste, it is not saturated enough and it tastes a bit like Milo.

On the menu, beside pork burger, drinks and ice-cream, the only food left is this Egg Pecah Toast and Nom Nom Nom (Penang Satay). I have ordered an egg pecah toast which cost me RM2. During my order, the chef asked me whether I want to make the toast tastes spicy or not. He said that there are 3 levels of spiciness, there was once an Indian told him that it is already so spicy when he ordered the toast of second level spiciness. So, I have ordered the toast of first level spiciness but it didn't taste that spicy after all.

Lastly, I have ordered the Boozy Scream recommended by 43 Cafe. This is the Black Dog ice-cream, two scoops cost RM9. According to the chef, it is said that the ice-cream will taste differently with different ways of eating it. First, it is the original taste of the Black Dog ice-cream. It feels like as if you are drinking beer. Next, the chef told us to put some salt on the ice-cream and the alcohol taste will disappear. The third taste is to put some chili powder on the ice-cream. Wow, this is really fresh for me. At first, you will feel the alcohol taste in your taste buds and shortly after that, the spiciness will started to come out from your throat. The last taste is to put the salt and the chili powder together on the ice-cream. How does it tastes? Go and try it out..haha..

It is easy to find the 43 Cafe. Walked out from the USM Sungai Dua main gate and cross the road to reach the opposite side. Then, walked straight to your left and you will see this 43 Cafe shortly.

This is the interior design of 43 Cafe. The atmosphere at night is pretty good and quite suitable for dating. 43 Cafe is opened daily from 5.30pm to 10.00pm.

Soon after leaving 43 Cafe, I was hungry again. So, on the way back, I have bought a chicken burger from the roadside burger stall. Frankly speaking, if you are someone who eat a lot, then 43 Cafe really cant satisfy your stomach. Some more, the variety of the food is too little.

If you wish to know more about 43 Cafe, you can surf their Facebook fan page.

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This post was originally written on 17th October 2013

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