Sunday 5 January 2014


Mural that teaches you speak Hokkien


Aloha! It is a new mural in Georgetown again and it will teach you speak Hokkien! Looking at the purple wall and the iron art beside, I guess many of you already have the idea where this mural is. Well, you know, it is hard to find another building with this much purple wall in Georgetown..haha..

壁画上的框框写着福建语“Kah Lu Kong Hokkien”,意思是教你讲福建。

The talk bubble above the mural is written 'Kah Lu Kong Hokkien' in Hokkien language, which means teach you speak Hokkien.

Keat ah的意思是强啊!

So, how does this mural teaches you speak Hokkien? Well, it actually teaches Hokkien via the talk bubbles beneath it. The Hokkien language is written in the talk bubble and then is translated with English. 
Keat ah means awesome!

Kong Kam指的是太疯狂了!

Kong Kam means so crazy!

Bo Song是不爽的意识。

Bo Song means not enjoyable.
Actually, these talk bubbles has been there since a month ago. These three talk bubbles are added just recently. If you wish to see what are the other talk bubbles teach about, do refer to my previous post.


There are actually two more murals on the same wall. Previously, this snail mural was green in colour but now it has changed to yellow colour.


This multi-cultural mural is still remain unchanged.


There are the souvenirs mural on the pillar in front of the purple building. It was drawn recently.


By now, with this popular lion dance mural, I am pretty sure all of you know where this purple building is.

没错,这间紫色的建筑物就是位于Lebuh Armenian和Lorong Soo Hong的T字路口的i-box手工坊。除了拍壁画之余,还可以到手工坊里购买纪念品哦。手工坊前也有一摊售卖冰球的摊口,炎热的天气来一粒冰球是最好不过了!

That's right! This purple building is the i-Box handmade workshop which is located at the T-junction of Armenian Street and Soo Hong Lane. After taking photos of the murals, do pay a visit to this workshop. They sell lots of unique glass-made souvenirs. And there is a stall selling ice ball in front of the workshop, it is nice to have one under the hot sun.


  1. 槟城这些壁画真是越来越多啊。。。

    1. 是啊,而且很多都是为了吸引游客而画上的。现在几乎每一两个星期就会出现一幅新的了,真不知这是好事还是坏事。。。

  2. 这家店还真的有点创意的,店外面卖的冰球也很特别。真的是太多新的壁画,看来找天要再过去租脚踏车找壁画了。^^

    1. 是啊,真的是太多了,乔治市都快成为艺术家们作画的地方了。。哈哈。。

  3. Replies
    1. 是的。。现在的乔治市到处都是壁画了。。。
