Monday 30 June 2014

【玻璃市旅游】美丽的两天一夜玻璃市游玩之第一天 | 糯米煎蕊 + 铭叻沙 + 美拉提湖 + 玻璃市港口 + 海天海鲜


Sunday 22 June 2014

【Penang Accommodation】The Affordable Guesthouse In The Heart Of George Town | Roommates Penag

Roommates Guesthouse Penang
Roommates Guesthouse Penang

Every time when planning for a trip, first thing that came into my mind was the accommodation. Well, the cheaper, more comfortable and more convenient hostel always be the winner. In the world heritage site of Georgetown, more and more hostels and guesthouses were being built. Today, I want to introduce to you all the Roommates Guesthouse which is located at Lorong Chulia.

Friday 20 June 2014

步行记:丹绒武雅海边 Tanjung Bungah Beach

Tanjung Bungah Beach


Saturday 14 June 2014

【Penang Gourmet】Retro Kopitiam + Classic Elegance Restaurant + Open Air Bar | Loke Thye Kee

Loke Thye Kee at Burmah Road
Loke Thye Kee

If you are a Penangite, or ever been to Pennag, I believe that you must have seen this unique building before. This three storey building is called Loke Thye Kee and is located just beside the octopus footbridge of Georgetown. Each storey of Loke Thye Kee present a different ambiance dining space. The ground floor is a Hainanese Kopitiam, the first floor is a classic western style restaurant and the roof terrace is a bar. Due to the uniqueness of this building, many photography lover has came to shoot the beautiful site of Loke Thye Kee.

Friday 13 June 2014

步行记:敦林大道旁的养鱼场 Fish Farm Beside Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu Expressway


转眼间,距离上一次步行记已经是一个多月前的事了。这一个月里,我打了一个星期的兼职,参与了几个试吃活动,其余的时间都在家里发霉。这都要怪雨天的错,整个五月份里几乎每天都下雨,想要出门的动力也被削减一半(其实是自己懒惰啦,找雨天来当借口而已 XD)。最近天气开始好转,气温也快速上升,都没再下雨了。于是就在前天,我再次点燃心中的那团火,继续那停顿已久的步行记!

Thursday 12 June 2014

【Penang Cafe】Creative Combination Of Cucumber & Mint Refreshing Soda | Folks Cafe

Folks Cafe at Acheen Street
Folks Cafe

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Since Georgetown was listed in the UNESCO world heritage site, added with the attractions from the famous Ernest's murals, today, Georgetown has become an international platform which has attracted the tourists from all over the world. And because of this, Georgetown is slowly being commercialize. Hostel, restaurants, cafes, art galleries and many more started to appear in Georgetown. Two months ago, Folks Cafe has began their business at Lebuh Acheh and they are proud with their food and service quality.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

【槟城咖啡馆】在纽约市相当火红的Cronut | The Alley Cafe

The Alley Cafe at Stewart Lane
The Alley Cafe

如果你熟悉乔治市,那你一定晓得这小小城市里隐藏了许多不为人知的小巷。这些小巷有可能是一条捷径(我找到蛮多的了。。哈哈。。)也有可能是通往一个小村子的小路口。在城里,就有这么一间咖啡馆是以小巷命名的,名为“The Alley”(字面上就是小巷或后巷的意思)。The Alley规模不大,但环境倒是很舒服,是个与朋友聚会闲聊的好去处。

【Penang Gourmet】The 70 Over Years Traditional Indian Cheese Apom That Cooked With Claypot & Charcoal | Dato Kramat Road

Trasitional Indian Cheese Apom
Traditional Indian Apom Stall

Apom, or the Indian pan cake, is one of the common foods we can get at most places in Pennag. However, when it comes to the traditional Apom, it would be a rare one, even in Penang. Yet, I have met with this Indian hawker who has still practicing the traditional ways of making Apom.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

【Penang Restaurant】Customize Your Favourite Tom Yam At Tomyummy Noodles House | All Seasons Place

四季新天地东炎不败 Tomyummy Noodles House at All Seasons Place
Tomyummy Noodles House

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Tomyummy Noodles House, as the name sounds, it is a place where you can get yummy yummy Tomyam! Tomyummy has two outlets, the main one is at Jelutong and this one is at All Seasons Place. Besides selling tomyam, they also provide chicken soup. For those who likes steamboat, Tomyummy is another choice for you.