Wednesday 1 October 2014

【槟城乐趣】槟城有趣路名(二) Interesting Road Name Of Penang (Part 2)


前阵子发了一篇槟城有趣路名的文章,过后有位读者留言说在亚依淡有个让人无言以对的路名,名为Jalan Pisang Awak(直接翻译就成了“你的香蕉路”)。我看见该路牌照片时,反应也和这位读者一样,无语了!天哪,怎么会有这么奇怪的路名啊?!

发文大概一星期后,我从家里步行到亚依淡寻找该路名(步行路程大概花了三小时,步行路线可以参考此文)。出发前看了看地图,但是找不到Jalan Pisang Awak,只看见亚依淡那里有个Kampung Pisang。步行到了Kampung Pisang后,我开始寻找该路名。起初我在旧屋(木屋)一带寻找,但是找了很久(在村里迷了几次路)却没看见半个路牌,香蕉树倒是看见很多。我几乎走遍Kampung Pisang,后来决定要换个地方寻找。最后,依然还是没找到。当时肚子开始饿了,于是便找个地方吃午餐。午餐过后,我走回Kampung Pisang,这时我才发现原来Kampung Melayu除了有旧屋,也有石灰排屋的,而这个Jalan Pisang Awak就躲在这些排屋里!终于啊,花了三小时的寻找过程总算还是让我找到了!

Few days ago, I have posted an article about the interesting road name of Penang. A reader has commented on the post saying that there is a really weird road name in Air Itam area, which is Jalan Pisang Awak (literally means "Your Banana Road"). When I saw the photo of this road, my reaction was the same as this reader. I was speechless!

About a week after I posted the interesting road name of Penang, I walked to Air Itam from my house to search for this road name (about three hours of walking, you can refer to this article for the route taken). Before I departed, I checked for the location of the road name on Google Map. Unfortunately, I couldn't found the road name on Google Map but I found a village name Kampung Pisang in Air Itam. And so, I walked to Kampung Pisang and started to look for the road name as soon as I reached there. At first, I searched at the old house (wooden house) area but I couldn't find any road name at all (I even get lost in the village). I have almost walked the whole village and all I saw were just banana trees. So, I decided to change the place but even so I couldn't find the road name as well. I started to feel hungry so I stopped the hunt for a while and had my lunch at nearby cafe. After that, I decided to search inside Kampung Pisang again. This time, I just noticed that Kampung Pisang is actually divided into two part, the old houses area and the new houses area. And yes, the Jalan Pisang Awak is hidden within these new houses area! At last, with three hours of searching effort, I have finally found the road name!

▲Direct Translate: Your Banana Road

读者告知:Pisang Awak其实是香蕉的其中一个种类。
From reader: Pisang Awak is actually one of the banana species.


在还没找到Jalan Pisang Awak之前,我遇到了其他六个不同的Jalan Pisang(Jalan Pisang Awak是最后一个找到的)。在Jalan Pisang Awak那里有个Taman Pisang Awak,但这个花园有中文名,叫做金花园(没有的话被直接翻译后就会变成“你的香蕉花园”了 XD)。

Before I found the Jalan Pisang Awak, I have found another six different Jalan Pisang (Jalan Pisang Awak was the last one I found). There is a garden named Taman Pisang Awak at Jalan Pisang Awak, but this garden has a Chinese name which is Golden Garden (otherwise if translate it directly from the Malay then it will become "Your Banana Garden" XD).


▲Direct Translate: Rambutan Road

在Kampung Pisang对面看见以红毛丹命名的路,但这一带却看不见红毛丹树哦。

Found this road that is named after rambutan at the opposite of Kampung Pisang. However, I didn't see any rambutan tree at this area.


▲Direct Translate: Guava Road


And I found another road that is named after fruits. This "Guava Road" was found at Paya Terubong area.


▲Direct Translate: Teochew Road


This is a road named after the Chinese origin place, I wondered if this area has more Teochew people? By the way, anyone know any Hakka Road in Penang? I am a Hakka people~


▲Direct Translate: Male Rock Road


Even stone does have gender.

Interesting Road Name Of Penang

▲Direct Translate: Female Rock Road


Luckily there is a "Female Stone" accompany the "Male Stone", otherwise the "Male Stone" will be forever alone!

Interesting Road Name Of Penang

▲Direct Translate: Mature Cat Road


Previously found a "Cat Lane" somewhere in Pulau Tikus and now here comes a "Mature Cat Road". It seems that the cat at Air Itam are more mature..haha..

Interesting Road Name Of Penang

▲Direct Translate: Zoo Road


As I know, Penang don't have a zoo. If there is one, then it must be Balik Pulau itself!

Interesting Road Name Of Penang

后来在Kampung Pisang那里也看见了“动物园路”,但却搞不清楚它究竟是“Jalan”还是“Lintang”还是两个都是?

I saw another "Zoo Road" at Kampung Pisang, but don't know whether it is a "Jalan" or a "Lintang" or both?

Interesting Road Name Of Penang


The special thing about this road name is that it is very short! It is made up of two alphabets, "R" and "U" only (should be the shortest road name in Penang). I wonder if the "RU" has any meaning?



Well, I have met with some quite funny and weird road name for this journey.
PENANG is really CUTE!!!


  1. 这一篇文章好有趣,还是第一次看到人家分享有关路名的文章;p

  2. 谢谢你!感觉很有趣所以就和大家分享啦~ =)

  3. 我快笑死了~哈哈哈哈
    下次可能会找到Jalan Bojio叻~哈哈哈~

  4. 哇哈哈!我会很期待那个Jalan Bojio的! XD

  5. Ru 是树名吧…… pokok ru...

  6. 哈哈。。不好意思!一条路名让你费煞心思,体力。我应该让你清楚知道地点。。pai seh

  7. 嗯,是的。上网查了一下确实有此树存在,还是第一次听过呢!

  8. Bin Go DU, 没关系,其实我是故意要去找顺便去探索一下亚依淡的,我觉得这样得来的结果会更有成就感。。哈哈~
    我还蛮享受这段路程的哦~ :)

  9. 哈哈。。也对^^话说回来,你这么热爱摄影,听说今晚有九王爷游行,可以去观摩,感受如此盛事^^

  10. 九王爷游行去年看过了,所以今年没打算参与了。哈哈~

  11. Harlo, I enjoy reading you blog and thanks for sharing. :)

    FYI - Jalan Buah Jambu is located in Paya Terubong.

    "Quote" And I found another road that is named after fruits. This "Guava Road" was found at Farlim area. "Unquote"

  12. Thanks for dropping by my blog! :)
    And thanks for the information too! I appreciate it. :)
    Gonna take some times to explore Penang again..haha..
