Thursday 20 March 2014

【Penang Cafe】Frute Dose Yoghurt Shake At The Back Of The Mugshot Cafe | Chulia Street

The Mugshot Cafe frute Dose
The Cardboardman mural in The Mugshot Cafe

Talking about The Mugshot Cafe, only two things came into my mind - the mugshot mural and the bagels. Originally, The Mugshot Cafe only use the frontal half of the building to run their business. Two months ago, they have extended their business to the later half. The later half is then divide into two parts, the first part is selling meatballs and the second part is a juice bar (Frute Dose). This cardboard man mural is painted on the wall of Frute Dose.

Two days ago, I get to know a guy from the same hometown. After some chatting, he told me that he was running a juice bar in The Mugshot Cafe and asked me to visit him whenever I am free. At first I was still hesitating but then he told me that he will treat me with his yogurt shake and so I went to find him yesterday (I am so realistic!).

The Mugshot Cafe frute Dose

This is Sam (26 years old), is one of the owner of Frute Dose. We are not only came from the same hometown but we have the same surname and our origin is the same as well! What a coincidence! Sam was a tax assistant before becoming a boss. He used to be the regular customer of The Mugshot Cafe. One day, the owner of The Mugshot Cafe asked Sam whether or not he wants to run a drink stall in the cafe and Sam rejected the offer at first. However, after some time of thinking, Sam has decided to give himself a chance. He quit his job as a tax assistant and started to study the combination of various fruits with yogurt.

The Mugshot Cafe frute Dose

The name Frute Dose is actually comes from the words 'fructose', or fruit sugar. The main reason Sam choose Frute Dose as his juice bar name is because all the drinks that he serves are based on fruits.

The Mugshot Cafe frute Dose

The business hour of Frute Dose is from 12pm to 12am. It will be a little bit hot in the afternoon so the customers will choose to have their drink at the frontal part. After the sun set, Frute Dose will become a bar. Sam told me that the Frute Dose bar and the table chair in front of the bar was built by The Mugshot Cafe in-house carpenter.

The Mugshot Cafe frute Dose

This bubble talk hanging on the wall is one of the creation from the in-house carpenter as well.
'Before I die, I want to kiss her' is what I want to write, how about you?

The Mugshot Cafe frute Dose

Sam has planted some green plants on the Frute Dose bar and the surroundings as well. He will continue to plant more green plants as he wants to make the environment green and natural.

The Mugshot Cafe frute Dose

The fresh juices of Frute Dose are all selling at a price of RM10 nett. You can choose to have watermelon, orange, apple and apple mix with celery. If you wish to mix the fruits together, you can specially request it from Sam.

The Mugshot Cafe frute Dose

The price for the yogurt shake are all RM13 nett.
Many customers cant stand the sourness of the yogurt. Most of them were only eaten the topping and leaving the yogurt untouched. So, Sam decided to make the yogurt into a drink. He mix the yogurt with fruits to reduce the sourness. Same told me that he didn't add any sugar into the yogurt shake (except for the jack fruit and grape flavor, Sam adds a bit of honey into the drink merely to bring out the taste).

The Mugshot Cafe frute Dose

I ordered a grape yogurt shake. The sourness is not so strong and it is hard to taste the sweetness out of it. Then, Sam let me try one teaspoon of the yogurt base. Just like what he said, the yogurt base sourness if few times stronger then the yogurt shake but still I like it (I like to eat sour stuff).

The Mugshot Cafe frute Dose

After that, Sam treated me with this bagel from The Mugshot Cafe. This is the bacon and egg bagel, RM10.

The Mugshot Cafe frute Dose

There are two reasons why Sam ordered this bacon and egg bagel for me. The first reason is because the presenting of this bagel is very special and the second reason is because this bagel can make one feel full after having it.

The Mugshot Cafe frute Dose

This is the area selling meatball in The Mugshot Cafe. There are three types of meat to choose from, chicken, lamb and beef. After that, customers can choose to serve the meatballs with spaghetti (RM14), mash (RM10) or just meatball (RM7). Sam told me that the owner of this Meatballs stall is actually the founder of the Marshall Burger.

The Mugshot Cafe frute Dose

There is a mural on the wall of the Meatballs area. Sam said that this mural was drawn by a customer.

The Mugshot Cafe frute Dose

The Mugshot Cafe is located at Chulia Street. It is just near Love Lane there.

The following is The Mugshot Cafe Facebook fan page :
The Mugshot Cafe

This post was originally written on 20th February 2014

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