Saturday 27 December 2014

【槟城咖啡馆】面包+蛋糕+烘焙+咖啡馆 | Love A Loaf Bakery Cafe

Love A Loaf Bakery Cafe Vantage Tanjung Tokong
Love A Loaf 烘焙咖啡馆

小时候,小嵻很喜欢将面包涂上牛油和糖,或者将面包浸在美禄里,这般简单地食用。长大后逐渐发现面包越来越多样化了,而且都非常吸引小嵻!前阵子小嵻与几位博客相约来到了 Love A Loaf 烘焙咖啡馆,一同享用美好的下午茶。

Sunday 21 December 2014

【槟城餐馆】《绊 Kizuna》日式精进料理餐厅 | 美酒配佳肴

绊 Kizuna 日式料理餐厅
《绊 Kizuna》日式料理餐厅


前阵子来到了《食府》中国料理餐厅试吃,这次则来到了与此同排的《绊》日食料理餐厅试吃,看来小嵻最近跟 Bay Avenue 可真有缘啊!《绊》日式料理餐厅是间相当注重食材品质的,他们所选用的都是上等食材。此外,他们也非常照顾食客们的用餐体验,势必要给顾客们留下难忘的美好回忆。

Saturday 20 December 2014

【槟城咖啡馆】已有40年之久的吉宁仔万山豆花 | 小江豆浆


坐落于沓田仔街(Lebuh Carnarvon)的 Armenian Street Heritage Hotel 隐藏着一间小江豆浆。这间小江豆浆可是大有来头的哦!老板的父亲,江伯,可是在吉宁仔万山(Chowrasta Market)那里售卖了超过四十年的豆浆和豆花。在小江豆浆,顾客们可以体验到豆花的传统吃法。这倒是小嵻第一次以传统式吃法品尝豆花呢!

Wednesday 17 December 2014

【Healthy Drink】Natural Soy Powder Manufacturing Proccess | Drink Real With Sorganic

Sorganic Soy Powder Manufacturing Process
Sorganic Soy Powder Manufacturing Process

A high quality product always involves in strict and validated manufacturing process. Sorganic is no different. By using the premium quality organic soybean and carefully undergo 9 advanced procedures, the quality of Sorganic Soy Powder is definitely the best one can get.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

【Penang Event】Monroe Cafe & Lounge Soft-Launch | 1926 Heritage Hotel

Monroe Cafe & Lounge at 1926 Heritage Hotel, Burma Road
Monroe Cafe & Lounge Soft-Launch

On the 13th December 2014, Monroe Cafe & Lounge was having their soft launch party. Located inside the 1926 Heritage Hotel, it is a new concept in Penang which combines the cafe and lounge with Marilyn Monroe as the design theme.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

【Penang Buffet】Celebrate Your Christmas With Scrumptious Buffet Dinner At G Cafe | G Hotel

Christmas 2014 Buffet Dinner at G Hotel G Cafe
Christmas Buffet Dinner at G Cafe

♩ Jingle Bells ♪ Jingle Bells ♫ Jingle All The Way ♬
Christmas is around the corner! Have you planned on how to celebrate this wonderful day? How about having a Christmas Eve buffet dinner with your loved one? Well, G Cafe is offering a scrumptious Christmas Eve buffet dinner featuring festive specialities, international and local selection of soups, appetizers, main course and desserts for this coming Christmas. Let's come together with your friends and family and have a Christmas feast to remember!

Wednesday 3 December 2014

【Jumpface竞赛活动】免费赢取价值RM3000的高空跳伞冒险活动 |

Seeties Jumpface Campaign
Seeties Jumpface 竞赛活动

【Jumpface Campaign】Win A FREE Skydiving Adventure Worth RM3000 |

Seeties Jumpface Campaign
Seeties Jumpface Campaign

After one whole year of hard work and efforts, Seeties is now officially launched! To celebrate this grand launching, Seeties is holding a nationwide JUMP contest, which the winner wins away a 10,000 skydiving adventure that worth RM3000! It's the first time ever in Malaysia for a startup to throw this one of a kind campaign. Don't miss it!

Tuesday 2 December 2014

【Penang Restaurant】Where Wine & Food Pairing Matters | Kizuna Japanese Restaurant

绊 Kizuna Japanese Restaurant
Kizuna Japanese Restaurant

Click for Chinese Version

Recently, I have been to Bay Avenue quite often. Last time I went there for the Shi Fu Chinese Restaurant food review and this time I was there for Kizuna Japanese Restaurant food review. Kizuna is a casual dining restaurant that focus on quality, value for money and a unique mix of traditional and modern Japanese dining. At Kizuna, satisfaction of every customer is their top priority and they will do anything to deliver their customers the most enjoyable and memorable meal.

Monday 1 December 2014

【Penang Event】A Blissful Evening With G Hotel | Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony

G Hotel Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
G Hotel Christmas G Logo

Each year, G Hotel has a tradition of lighting the huge Christmas tree which mark the start of Christmas celebration. Again, I am honored to be invited by G Hotel to attend this beautiful event. I went there with Constance, blogger of Food Hunter Concon, who was my driver on that day. Really thanks a lot for always driving me here and there, I appreciate it. :)