Friday 14 March 2014

步行记:浮罗山背 Balik Pulau


一向来喜欢走路的我,昨天从我家(立信花园)步行通过Jalan Tun Sardon来到了浮罗。这十三公里的路程一共耗了我三小时十五分钟,其中我休息了三十分钟。我中午十二点出发,当时天气阴凉。

Balik Pulau is a place dominated by Hakka people. The name Balik Pulau is actually came from the Hakka dialect which has the meaning of the other side of the island. The fountain in the photo has a history of more than hundred years. Long ago, it was a place for the horses to drink water and now it has become an important historical landmark of Balik Pulau.

The first time I went to Balik Pulau was with She Fu (a community service club in USM). Afterwards, I have joined the one day trip and primary school camp organised by She Fu at Balik Pulau. One of the reason why I like Balik Pulau so much is because this place has the precious memory that me and my friends hold.
Yesterday, I have walked to Balik Pulau from my house (Lip Sin Garden) to refresh this precious memory of mine. I passed through Jalan Tun Sardon and walked a 13km distance. I departed from my house at 12pm and reached Balik Pulau at 3.15pm. I was lucky as the weather yesterday was not that hot.

上次走去湖内人民公园时,只走到了Taman Bukit Jambul那里的交通灯。要去浮罗,抵达那里的交通灯后要转右,然后随着Jalan Paya Terubong直走,直到来到T字路口。

Last time when I went to Relau Metropolitan Park, I have only walked until the traffic light at Taman Bukit Jambul. To go to Balik Pulau, I have to turn right from that traffic light and then followed Jalan Paya Terubong until a T-junction.


I used one hour sharp to reach this T-junction. When I reached here, I was already quite tired as the path from Jalan Paya Terubong until this T-junction is a slope. Turning right from here is the road heading to Air Itam and to the left is where my destination is.


After turning left from the T-junction, all the way towards Balik Pulau is a hill road.


Along the way, I saw pieces of car glasses. It must be quite a number of accidents have been happened here.


There is no path for the pedestrian to walk on along the hill road. I have to make sure that I walked along most side part of the road. The thing to worry about is the lorries and the buses. When these heavy vehicles passed through me, they were really near to me! Another thing to worry is the corner. I cant see what happened beyond the corner so I need to be extra careful every time I came to a corner.


There are the bicycle sign on the road along the hill road. Since there is bicycle passing by, so the vehicles that used this road will be more careful. Thinking this way made me feel better..hehe..


Well, when you are alone, especially when you are alone in the place like this, you cant stop your mind from imagining the horror scene. Along the way, I saw a helmet at the side, an amulet on the road and then a child shoe. Seeing these, I cant stop the fear flowing through my body, I even don't dare to shoot anymore. I kept on telling myself that everything will be fine.


Suddenly, there was a black dog get in my way! I saw the dog was just lying at there so I assume that it has no meaning of attacking me. I passed through the black dogs calmly and what awaits me in front was even more dogs. I crossed the road and reached the other side of the road. These dogs were looking at me and when I passed through them, one of them started barking at me. I pretended I didn't hear anything and keep on walking forward without looking at them.

那之后走了不久就来到了这个名为Anjung Indah的地方。原来之前的那些狗狗都是来自这里的,我看见有一对夫妇正在喂食一群狗。

Not far from where the dogs were, I came to this place called Anjung Indah. I saw an uncle and aunt were feeding dogs at there so I bet those dogs from before came from here.

Anjung Indah应该是山顶了,因为之前的路都是上坡路而之后的都是下坡路。我从T字路口那里花了四十五分钟才抵达这里的。在Anjung Indah的路旁有个巴士站,乘搭502巴士便可以抵达这里哦。

Anjung Indah should be the top of the hill as the road from before was going up the hill and the road after this was going down the hill. I spent 45 minutes walking from the T-junction to get here. There is a bus stop at the roadside so we can actually take 502 bus to reach here.

在那里可以看见整个浮罗市镇,也就是我的目的地啦(看起来还真的是蛮远一下的!)。还记得我第一次来Anjung Indah时是参与社服小学营的时候。途中经过这里时我们把车子停下,然后一起在这里看夕阳。

The whole town of Balik Pulau can be seen at there. I still remember the first time I came to Anjung Indah was She Fu people during our way to Balik Pulau for the primary school camp. When we passed through Anjung Indah, we stopped our car at there and we all enjoyed the beautiful scene of sunset together.


Town of Balik Pulau, my destination.

在Anjung Indah上方有个泰国餐厅,前往餐厅的道路两旁都种满了柳树。

Above Anjung Indah there is a Thai restaurant. Both side along the road to the restaurant was planted with willow trees.


This is the Thai restaurant, the environment inside was not bad. I am not sure how their foods taste, but for sure they are pretty expensive..hehe..


At the side of the restaurant is a row of bonsai. This is really a good place for shooting. talking about shooting, it reminds me of last time I used to come here with Shan Yu and Hua Wei (current roommate) to take photos. Come to think of it, it has been a really long time I didn't meet up with Shan Yu, how are you now?

我在Anjung Indah待了半小时,然后继续赶路。考考你们吧,有发现到下坡路和上坡路有什么不同吗?如果有留意的话你会发现下坡路的山区靠向左边了哦~

I spent half an hour at Anjung Indah before I continued walking. Have you notice the different between the hill road before and after Anjung Indah? Well, the hill has actually changed it's side to the left side.


On the way, I saw a ladder made of bamboo. This ladder is put at the side of the fruit tree.


Opened a whole in the bamboo stick and inserted a wood in it. Combined it with another bamboo stick and it became a ladder. I was thinking that can this bamboo ladder last long?


At first I thought that the road going down the hill will be faster but who knows it took me one hour to reach the town.


The hill has changed it's side again. I wonder how is the structure of this hill.


Finally I saw the familiar bend. Balik Pulau town was not far away!


10 minutes later and I saw the entrance of Balik Pulau town. At that moment, I was really excited! Not because I was free from the suffering hill road, but because my life has earned another humble achievement.


The first thing I do when I reached the town was to filled up my stomach with a big bowl of Kim Laksa! I have really used up a lot of energy from the trip.


I saw this mobile library in the town. This is my first time seeing one in Penang!


In Balik Pulau, Chong Teik School is the place where my precious memory lies. This is the place where She Fu camp that I first participated was held. The former principal and the former vice principal were two great people in the school who had contributed their great help to She Fu. Thank you!


There was a year that Chong Teik School cant lent their school to She Fu for the primary school camp. So, we changed our venue to Sacred Heart School. There was a lot of memory at there as well, especially that blackout night..haha.. She Fu was then invited to do some drawing on Sacred Heart school's wall.


Next to Sacred Heart school is the catholic church. This is a must-visit place during She Fu's one day trip.


Another must-visit place is this Chinese temple that was located opposite the catholic church. I have heard few legends about this temple.


One of the legends goes like this. Long ago, there was a butcher seeing a granny washing her cloths at this riverbank (not far from the temple). This butcher felt pity for this granny and went to help this granny washed her cloths. However, the more the butcher washed, the dirtier the cloths get. The granny then told the butcher that how can you expected the cloths you washed to be clean since your hands was dirtied with bloods? The butcher suddenly realised his guilt and felt sorry for the lives that he took with his own hands. He commit suicide to pay back for what he has done. Actually, the granny was the incarnation of Goddess of Mercy. She saw the butcher's kind heart and decided to turn him into a deity. Since then, the butcher has became the deity of the temple.


This colourful building is just opposite the Kim Laksa. It is a shop selling paints.


When I came last time, the colour was not that bright. I think they have painted it all over again.


After visiting some place that hold my dear memories, it is time to go back home. Of course, I went back home by taking a bus. If I was to walk again I am afraid that I have to spend a whole week for my legs to recover.


My poor legs, I must say sorry to you. On the way I accidentally knocked you on a rock but luckily you weren't hurt badly. Rest for now and hope you recover fast, next time gonna bring you to another place! 


  1. 看起来好危险哦,有时候驾车人士会不小心超过线,而且又驾得很快!!!

    1. 是的,真的是很危险!不过是白天所以还好,只要多加小心就没事的。

  2. 哇,真的好佩服你的毅力和精神!

    1. 谢谢你!不过这不是我的极限,我相信我还能走更远!

  3. 越来越不舍得槟城了。。。

    1. 哈哈。。槟城真是一个好地方啊! =]

  4. 我对那移动图书馆感到很好奇哩,不知道是如何的运做法?

    1. 我也是昨天第一次遇到罢了,不过有个槟城朋友告诉我这移动图书馆早在十年前就已经有了。

  5. 走山路真的很危险啊!你这步行爱好者要很小心啊!不过,如果可以的话,我也想像你那样步行悠游!;)

    1. 是很危险一下啦,不过我喜欢刺激。。哈哈。。不好,别像我这样,会没有钱途的。 XD

  6. 我是浮罗人,看到你走路来浮罗就觉得好疯狂
