Sunday 7 September 2014

【Penang Dessert】The Original Famous Penang Road Teochew Cendol | Macalister Lane

Teochew Famous Cendol at Lorong Macalister

Penang Road Teochew Cendol is pretty much famous among the Penangites and tourists. Many tourists that visited Penang will not miss out the chance to taste the famous Penang Road cendol. Yet, there is another Teochew Cendol stall not far away from this Penang Road cendol but not known to many.

Previously, I have always visited Penang Road cendol but not until I met with this Teochew cendol stall. There are two reasons for me to change from visiting Penang Road cendol to visiting this cendol stall. First is the cendol stall here has less customers so it won't be too packed and the second reason is that the cendol sold at this stall is cheaper.

Cendol - RM2.00

The cendol taste and the ingredients in the cendol of both stalls are more or less the same. However, the cendol of this stall taste less sweet compare to the Penang Road one but for me the sweetness is just fine. One bowl of cendol here is sold for RM2.00, if take away has to pay an extra RM0.20.

Ice Kacang - RM2.20

This is the Ice Kacang and is sold at RM2.20. I bought this Ice Kacang during my next visit. The hawker told me to wait for a while if I want to have the Ice Kacang because he wanted to make the cendol first. He told me Ice Kacang is harder to make as it requires more ingredients. I personally quite like the corns in the Ice Kacang and the overall taste is not bad as well.

Teochew Famous Cendol at Lorong Macalister

I saw the board at the stall written Teochew Penang Road Famous Cendol so I asked the hawker whether he has any relation with the Penang Road cendol. And the fact is, this hawker is actually the older brother of the Penang Road cendol's hawker.

Teochew Famous Cendol at Lorong Macalister

The hawker said that they used to be selling cendol at Penang Road, but then the business was passed to his younger brother who was 11 years old at that time. Then they moved to this location and started selling cendol here. They have been selling for more than 50 years since then.

Teochew Famous Cendol at Lorong Macalister

This Teochew cendol stall is located at Macalister Lane, just left to Hai Onn Restaurant. Their business hour is from 11.30 AM until around 4.30 PM, rest on Sunday.

This post was originally written on 7th August 2014


  1. But i feel this stall is much better delicious than the ori one at penang road. Just own opinion! Hehe :)

  2. Agree with you Michelle JieYing, this one at Macalister Lane is much better than the current Penang Road one. Actually before this stall move to Macalister Lane, he was selling at Penang Road too, but then he pass the business at Penang Road to his little brother and he moved to Macalister Lane. So, this one is much more original than the Penang Road one. :)
