Friday 31 October 2014

【槟城住宿】隐藏在深山里鲜为人知的度假屋 | Malihom Retreat

Malihom Balik Pulau Penang
Malihom Private Estate at Balik Pulau


几个月前,我参与了Seeties所举办的免费住宿活动。很意外的,我竟然那么幸运的成为了十位得奖者之一!得奖者可以从八间住宿中选择自己喜欢的一间,并享有两天一夜的免费住宿。考虑到交通与地点的因素(不过主要原因还是因为他们的照片拍得太美了!XD),我决定选择位于浮罗山背的Malihom Retreat。于是,就在上个周末,我与一位朋友一同来到这美丽的世外桃源,享受一番“有钱人”的生活。

Sunday 26 October 2014

【Penang Gourmet】The Hawker Center That Is Full Of My University Memories | Golden Phoenix Restaurant

Grand opening of Golden Phoenix Restaurant

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While I was refreshing my Facebook wall yesterday, I saw a Bali-Bali hawker center (previously) photo post by a friend. Without delay, I shut down my laptop, took out my camera and walked to Bali-Bali immediately. As a former USM student, there are so much memory I had with Bali-Bali. Unfortunately, it was somehow closed for more than one year. There was no news about it since then until last month when I saw a banner hanging in front of it. It said that a large scale hawker center will be opening soon. I was so excited when I knew the news as the place of my precious memory is coming back! The renovation works started about the end of August and I waited patiently for it's opening everyday since then. And finally, it was opened yesterday! However, it was not called Bali-Bali anymore, it is known as Golden Phoenix Restaurant from now on.

Saturday 25 October 2014

【槟城景点】Penang 3D Trick Art Museum @ Lebuh Penang

Penang 3D Trick Art Museum
Penang 3D Trick Art Museum at Penang Street
美因槟廊视觉艺术馆,如今乔治市又多了一个以立体壁画为主题的Penang 3D Trick Art Museum。10月23日(艺术馆正式营业前两天),Penang 3D Trick Art Museum举办了一场记者招待会。很荣幸的,我被邀请出席,而我也带上了两位朋友一同出席(其实是要她们当我的模特儿啦,我好像很不好咯~ XD)。

Wednesday 22 October 2014

【槟城活动】Rocktoberfest 2014 @ Hard Rock Cafe

Rocktoberfest at Hard Rock Cafe
Hard Rock Cafe Rocktoberfest 2014

Hard Rock Cafe每年十月份都会举办啤酒节。今年,在Jazz的邀约下,我有幸出席了Hard Rock Cafe Rocktoberfest 2014。这可是我人生中参与的第一个啤酒节,同时也是第一次光临Hard Rock Cafe哦!感恩啊~

Sunday 19 October 2014

【Penang Event】The 6th Malaysia Twa Peh Kong Festival | Floats Parade

7th International Fu De Cultural Festival

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Twa Peh Kong is a common deity among the Chinese folks. His duty is similar to Datuk Kong, which is a guardian for a certain area. Malaysia has it's first Twa Peh Kong festival on 2009 and the festivals were all held at East Malaysia previously. This year, for the very first time, Twa Peh Kong festival was held at West Malaysia, specifically Penang state. This festival was not only the 6th Malaysia Twa Peh Kong Festival but it was also the 7th International Fu De Cultral Festival as well.

Saturday 18 October 2014

【槟城咖啡馆】寄给未来的明信片 | Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe
Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe
曾否想过自己十年后的样子?心里是否有什么话想对十年后的自己说呢?有着“寄给未来”概念的Paper Pepper Postcard Cafe能把你想说的话传达给十年后的你哦!这间咖啡馆坐落于椰角街,就在观音亭左边的那排店(Sip & Chew Cafe旁边)。

Thursday 2 October 2014

【槟城咖啡馆】令人无法抗拒的酸乳酪以及Crème Brûlée | DCOVA

DCOVA @ Lebuh Bishop


忙碌工作后是不是很想找个地方放松心情,暂时离开紧张的生活呢?在乔治市漆木街就有这么一间环境悠闲、气氛良好的咖啡馆,名为DCOVA。前身乃是Lighthouse Coffee的DCOVA营业至今仅将近半年,但已深受许多上班族喜爱。

Wednesday 1 October 2014

【槟城乐趣】槟城有趣路名(二) Interesting Road Name Of Penang (Part 2)


前阵子发了一篇槟城有趣路名的文章,过后有位读者留言说在亚依淡有个让人无言以对的路名,名为Jalan Pisang Awak(直接翻译就成了“你的香蕉路”)。我看见该路牌照片时,反应也和这位读者一样,无语了!天哪,怎么会有这么奇怪的路名啊?!