Saturday 30 November 2013

【Penang Gourmet】A Hidden Tosai House In The Town

Tosai in Lorong Lumut

Tosai is an Indian traditional food. It can be said it is their pancake. The thin layer and the sour taste are the two major features of Tosai. Normally, Tosai can only be eaten at the Indian Mamak stall.

Monday 25 November 2013

【Penang Gourmet】The Curry Chee Cheong Fun (Rice Noodle Roll) Hidden In An Alley Nearby Komtar Tower | Magazine Road

Curry Chee Cheong Fun
Curry Chee Cheong Fun

I have been eating curry mee all the time and today, I have tried something new - the curry Chee Cheong Fun (rice noodle roll). This is a small curry Chee Cheong Fun which costs RM3, the big one costs RM3.50. This curry Chee Cheong Fun is not too sweet and the mint taste is not so heavy, but it is a bit spicy. Originally, it has the coagulated pig blood added in the curry Chee Cheong Fun but I told the hawker to remove it as I dislike the taste. However, I do like the taste of the tofu puff very much!

Sunday 24 November 2013

Pisa Corner: Oriental Express Set Meal


昨天和室友拍摄完某公司的晚宴后,来到了Pisa Corner享用晚餐。第一次到Pisa Corner的我毫无头绪要吃什么。经室友的推荐,我点了这盘酸甜鸡扒饭。看看那又大又结实的鸡扒,能猜到这一盘鸡扒饭要多少钱吗?

Friday 22 November 2013

Kaffa Espresso Bar の 壁画

The mural painting at Kaffa Espresso Bar


Thursday 21 November 2013

【Penang Gourmet】Yee Noodle Soup + Ice Kacang | Always My Favourite Combo

Noodle Soup at Sungai Dua
Yee Noodle Soup at Sungai Dua

Click for Chinese Version

Dinner for today - the Yee noodle soup from a nearby food stall. I had my dinner with my friends and I have ordered my favourite Yee noodle soup from the food stall. This is a big Yee noodle soup with bitter gourd added and it only costs RM4.30. A normal small bowl of noodle sup costs RM2.70 and a normal big one costs RM3.30. It is so cheap!

Monday 18 November 2013


10K Men Open. Photo credit to a reporter friend of mine.

三年前,以Fun Run的身份征服了槟威大桥。三年后的今天,再度踏上槟威大桥。虽然同样是10KM,不过这次我的身份倒是升级了。今天,我是以10K Men Open的身份征服了槟威大桥的!

Sunday 17 November 2013

【Penang Tourism】Go Nature With The Lovely Goats | Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

Balik Pulau Saanen Dairy Goat Farm
Saanen Dairy Goat Farm at Balik Pulau

Many kids nowadays are living in the virtual world behind the screen. Most of them have isolated themselves with the mother nature and so do I. I have spent most of my time on Facebook and gaming. I still remember the feeling when the first time I visited this Saanen Dairy Goat Farm, I was deeply attracted by the environment at there. It was the first time in my life that I was this close with the goat and that feeling still fresh in my mind.

【Penang Cafe】Alcoholic Ice Cream Served With Chili & Salt | 43 Cafe

Big Boy Burger
In Malaysia, it is hard for us to find pork burger at the roadside burger stall and most of the restaurants. They are mostly offering chicken and beef burgers. Just not far from USM, there is a house called 43 Cafe selling pork burger. Yesterday, me and two friends have came to this 43 Cafe. One of my friends has ordered this 'Big Boy' burger and the price is RM8.90.

Saturday 16 November 2013




Saturday 9 November 2013

乔治市最长壁画 - 完整版

乔治市最长壁画 - 完整版


Friday 8 November 2013

【Penang Gourmet】One Of The Best Pasembur In Penang | Batu Lancang Market

Batu Lancang Pasembur
Batu Lancang Pasembur

When I first heard of Pasembur, I was blur and has no idea what it is. After some time, I just realise that it is actually an Indian's food, more like Indian salad. Pasembur mainly consists of slices of cucumber and turnip, prawn fritters, beancurd and other ingredients. I have only heard this Pasembur food in Penang and not other state.

Tuesday 5 November 2013

沉寂人物之一:P. Ramlee

Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr. P. Ramlee

相信有关注马来电影的朋友都知道壁画里的人物是谁吧。没错,他就是本地著名的导演及演员Dr. P. Ramlee。除了贡献在电影界,P. Ramlee在娱乐圈子也是付出不少的。他也是一名作词,作曲及演唱家。

Friday 1 November 2013


