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Hard Rock Cafe Rocktoberfest 2014 |
Hard Rock Cafe每年十月份都会举办啤酒节。今年,在Jazz的邀约下,我有幸出席了Hard Rock Cafe Rocktoberfest 2014。这可是我人生中参与的第一个啤酒节,同时也是第一次光临Hard Rock Cafe哦!感恩啊~
Each year during October, Hard Rock Cafe will held an Oktoberfest celebration. This year, I am glad to be participated in this Rocktoberfest celebration as invited by Jazz. This is my first time joining the Oktoberfest and my fist time visiting Hard Rock Cafe as well. Really thanks a lot!
一开始当我听到啤酒节时,脑海里浮现出的画面就是类似狂欢派对,大家一起狂欢的那种。然而,当我踏入Hard Rock Cafe时,看见的是大家都很冷静的在享用晚餐,就跟一般在咖啡厅用餐一样。哈哈,看来是我想太多,看太多戏了。 XD
At first, when I heard about Rocktoberfest, what came across my mind was that the fest is like a party, whereby everyone is having fun. However, when I stepped into the cafe, what I saw was that everyone was having their dinner calmly. Well, it seems that I was imagine too much. I shouldn't watched too much drama! Haha~ XD
咖啡厅里有间RockShop,里面售卖的都是Hard Rock所出产的产品。关于Rock Shop售卖的产品可以参考这里。
There is a Rock Shop inside the cafe which sells the products of Hard Rock. Click here for the products available at Rock Shop.
当晚Hard Rock Cafe为我们准备了一些德国美食。这些美食只有在特定节日才能吃到,平时是没有的哦。
Hard Rock Cafe welcomed us with some German foods which these foods are only available during the special days like Rocktoberfest.
这杯是我点的Wildberry Smoothie。那个放在一旁的凤梨装饰,越看就越想咬下去。。哈哈。。
This is my Wildberry Smoothie. Really feel like biting the pineapple decoration on top of the glass..haha..
啤酒节当晚的第一个节目 - 喝啤酒比赛!我们的Enqvist英勇上台应战,但很遗憾还是敌不过两名外国佬,拿了第三名。
The first entertainment of the night - Beer Drinking Competition! Our Enqvist bravely went onto the stage for the challenge and won himself a 20% discount voucher.
The second round beer drinking competition is opened to the ladies. This time, HH accepted the challenge and guess what? She was the first runner up!
The second round beer drinking competition is opened to the ladies. This time, HH accepted the challenge and guess what? She was the first runner up!
当晚的节目除了喝啤酒比赛,我们也跳了两次Chicken Dance。这令我想起在大学时期时与朋友一起跳的Chicken Dance。当时我们一大班一起跳,真的很乐在其中!
Each time right after the beer drinking competition, we were asked to perform Chicken Dance. It reminds of the time when I was still a university student. I used to perform Chicken Dance with a big group of my friends and we were really enjoying it!
晚上十点半,乐团开始驻唱。这个乐团真的很了不起,他们的歌声真的很震撼!驻唱将一直陪伴现场直到凌晨两点,但我们在他们唱完第一场后就告别Hard Rock Cafe了。
About 10:30 PM, the live band started to perform. This live band is really great! Both the singers sing magnificently! The band will perform three sets of singing for the night but we went back after they finished performed the first set.
这个10月31日,Hard Rock Cafe将会举办万圣节派对,得空的话就来吓吓人吧!XD
On the 31 October, Hard Rock Cafe will be organising a Halloween Party. Let's come with your scariest costume!
地址 Address
Hard Rock Hotel Penang, 11100 Batu Feringgi, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
营业时间 Business Hour
星期日至星期四 Sunday to Thursday:11:30 AM - 2:00 AM
星期五和星期六 Friday to Saturday:11:30 AM - 2:30 AM
联络 Contact
电话 Phone:04-886 8050
电邮 Email:danish.zulfiqar@hardrockhotels.net
官网 Website
面书专页 Facebook Fan Page
Hard Rock Cafe Penang
营业时间 Business Hour
星期日至星期四 Sunday to Thursday:11:30 AM - 2:00 AM
星期五和星期六 Friday to Saturday:11:30 AM - 2:30 AM
联络 Contact
电话 Phone:04-886 8050
电邮 Email:danish.zulfiqar@hardrockhotels.net
官网 Website
面书专页 Facebook Fan Page
Hard Rock Cafe Penang
ReplyDelete啊,写错了!Paiseh paiseh。。哈哈~
来吧来吧!万圣节派对应该会比这个好玩很多! :)
ReplyDelete还有Chicken dance哦?真的会让人想到大学时光。
ReplyDelete是的,不过他们的Chicken Dance就只跳一下子而已,没有感觉很High~