Saturday 31 May 2014

【槟城火锅】特色火锅专卖店(提供外卖服务) | 锅香府

锅香府特色火锅专卖店 Guo Xiang Fu Steamboat



Thursday 29 May 2014

【Penang Gourmet】A Healthy Breakfast & Lunch Western Cuisine Without MSG | Daddy's Farm

Daddy's Farm Breakfast and Lunch Western Cuisine
Pan Fried Chicken Picata - RM10

Nowadays, almost all food we get at the hawker stall will be added with monosodium glutamate (MSG). It is not easy to find a hawker stall where it's food is MSG free. Today, I was lucky to have met with this western cuisine hawker stall, Daddy's Farm where it is practicing healthy food services. All it's food are MSG free!

Tuesday 27 May 2014

【Penang Restaurant】Where You Talk To Your Heart's Content | Talk Talk Wine Bar & Lounge

Talk Talk Wine Bar & Lounge at Pekaka Square
Talk Talk Wine Bar & Lounge
In this modern era, many of us cant resist the fun and the excitement brought by the games and apps. Many people are living in the virtual world more than they are in the real world (I have to admit that I am one of the many people), and thus the time we spend with friends become lesser. It is an easy task to find a comfortable place for a gathering, just not far from my house there is this Talk Talk Wine Bar & Lounge. The concept of "Talk Talk" is to provide a comfortable environment for the customers to meet up with their friends and have a nice chit-chat after a whole day of works.

Thursday 22 May 2014

【Penang Gourmet】Penang Famous Indian Mee Goreng | Bangkok Lane

Bangkok Lane Mee Goreng

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This is the Bangkok Lane Mee Goreng (fried noodles) which has been selling for 44 years. Well, I bet you must have heard of this mee goreng before as it is very famous. Often, I have seen people sharing it's article on Facebook and many bloggers have wrote about it as well. This mee goreng stall is located at a corner in Seng Lee Cafe.

【槟城住宿】位于乔治市中心的小小旅社 | Roommates Guesthouse Penang

Roommates Guesthouse Penang
Roommates Guesthouse Penang
每次去游玩,都会事先考虑到住宿,尽可能寻找便宜,舒适和方便的旅舍。在乔治市这个古迹区,日年来一间又一间的旅舍不断建立,在很多角落都能找到住宿。今天要给大家介绍的是位于十七间(Lorong Chulia)的Roommates旅舍。

Thursday 15 May 2014

【Penang Cafe】Espresso Bar & Asian Fusion | Noor & Dean's Café

Noor & Dean's Café - Espresso Bar & Asian Fusion
Noor & Dean's Cafe

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Ranking 4th in among 389 restaurants in Georgetown by Trip Advisor, Noor & Dean's Café is a restaurant with the atmosphere depicting history of yesterday Penang. Noor & Dean's Café is located at Noordin Street, which is called the 'Second Road' (Ji Tiao Loh) by the local Penangites. Besides having a comfortable environment, the staffs are all very nice and cordial. While serving their customers with the tasteful menu ranging from local to western, Noor & Dean's Café (Noordin Street House) also provides accommodations.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

【槟城美食】复古咖啡店 + 古典洋式餐厅 + 露天酒吧 | 乐台居

乐台居 Loke Thye Kee



Monday 12 May 2014

【槟城咖啡馆】您喝过黄瓜搭配薄荷的饮料吗? | Folks Cafe

Folks Cafe at Acheen Street
Folks Cafe
自从槟城乔治市被挂上“世界文化遗产”后,再加上曾经红透一时的恩纳斯壁画,今天的乔治市已成为国际性平台,吸引了各国游客到此一游。无疑,乔治市也因此逐渐被商业化,一间间旅店,餐馆,咖啡厅,艺术馆等等慢慢的出现了。两个月前,坐落于打石街的Folks Cafe也开始营业。他们可是很注重品质的哦!

Saturday 10 May 2014

【槟城美食】砂煲炭烧的传统印度Apom | Jalan Dato Keramat


Thursday 8 May 2014

【Penang Temple】The Largest Buddhist Temple In Southeast Asia | Kek Lok Si

极乐寺 Kek Lok Si Temple
Kek Lok Si Temple

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Known as the largest Buddhist temple in Southeast Asia, Kek Lok Si temple has become one of the main attractions in Penang. Kek Lok Si is located at Air Itam which has occupied a twelve hectares of land on a mountain. During Chinese New Year, Kek Lok Si will open it's light and display fireworks. This has undoubtedly attracted many tourists from all over the world to witness this charming night of Kek Lok Si.

Sunday 4 May 2014

【槟城餐馆】东炎餐饮连锁专卖店 | 东炎不败

四季新天地东炎不败 Tomyummy Noodles House at All Seasons Place

Thursday 1 May 2014

步行记:升旗山上拍夜景 Night View At Penang Hill

Penang Hill

这次的步行记决定要到升旗山上拍夜景。原本是打算在中午十二点出发的,不过却突然下起雨来,所以就拖到下午两点十五分才出发了。这次我选择步行Jalan Paya Terubong,路程十五公里,耗了四小时四十五分钟才抵达升旗山。