Friday 26 September 2014

【槟城美食】那间充满大学回忆的饮食中心 | 赖金凤凰美食中心




Tuesday 23 September 2014

【Penang Gourmet】A Laksa Stall That Nestled Under A Big Tree | Sungai Ara

Sungai Ara Big Tree Laksa
Big Tree Laksa at Sungai Ara

Last week, when I took bus to Gertak Sanggul, the bus passed through Sungai Ara and I saw this laksa stall under the big tree. The next day, I walked to this laksa stall to try out their laksa. Unfortunately, when I reached there, they were closed! It was their rest day on Monday, what a bad luck. I am not giving up so I went there again yesterday and this time I managed to try out the laksa.

Sunday 21 September 2014

【槟城乐趣】槟城有趣路名 Interesting Road Name Of Penang

Interesting road name of Penang

今天到日落洞走走时,在附近的一个住宅区里发现了一些有趣路名。 这个住宅区里的路名都是以形容词或是物体命名的。感觉很有意思,所以拍了下来与大家分享。我不晓得这些路名有没有官方中文路名以及官方英文路名,但是直接翻译的话确实很有趣,也很特别。

Friday 19 September 2014

【槟城活动】第六届马来西亚大伯公节 | 花车游行


Tuesday 16 September 2014

【Penang Gourmet】Wantan Mee In The Hundred Over Years Old Kopitiam | Argyll Road

Wantan Mee at Argyll Road
The hundred over years old kopitiam

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 In Argyll Road, there is a kopitiam with a history of over hundred years. The kopitiam has the name Tai Wah Cafe and originally they were only selling drinks and breakfast. Then, an economy rice stall moved in but their business doesn't get much attention from the local and thus it was closed down soon. More than ten years ago, another stall moved in. This stall is selling wantan mee and they are still running the business at this kopitiam until today.

【工厂初体验】Fulijaya Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd.

A visit to Fulijaya Corporation

上个星期六,我参与了由Casual Event Management(CEM)主办的Fulijaya制造工厂游学。从而得知牙刷的制作过程以及接触了那些我很陌生的机械。我发现在工厂里有两种机械,一种是由电源发动的机械,另一种则是“机械人”!看见那些员工重复性地做同样的动作,我真的觉得我很幸福,感恩啊!

Monday 15 September 2014

【Penang Gourmet】Tomyam At Top Cafe | Lintang Minden 2

Lintang Minden 2 Tom Yam
Tom Yam at Top One Cafe

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Few days ago, while having nothing to do at home, I have taken a walk nearby my house. Soon, I realized that I have walked until Minden area which is beside USM and I started to feel hungry when I reached there. I looked for food stall in that area but with no luck. After some long walk, I found this Top Cafe.

Thursday 11 September 2014

【步行记】环绕槟岛八十公里(下) Round Penang Island 80KM On Foot (Part 2)

Round Penang Island 80KM On Foot


【Penang Gourmet】A 35 Over Years Koay Teow Th'ng Hidden In The Alley | Clarke Street

Lebuh Clarke Koay teow Th'ng
The Hidden Koay Teow Th'ng at Clarke Street

If you are familiar with George Town, then you must know that it has many hidden alleys and some times you get to find a hidden gem inside these alleys. Well, the famous Toh Soon Cafe is one of those hidden gems. Today, I happened to pass by Clarke Street and bumped into this alley with a hidden gem. The alley was crowded with customers that were enjoying the Koay Teow Th'ng and I have joined in the fun.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

【Penang Temple】Another Must-Go Place For Tourists | Penang Snake Temple

Penang Snake Temple
Penang Snake Temple

Snake Temple is one of the famous tourism place in Penang. It was always crowded with people during holiday and the deity's birthday. Shops can be seen around the temple and they are all doing the tourists business. By the way, I have been living in Penang for five years yet I have never visited Snake Temple before, not until few days ago. Kinda feel ashamed of myself. =P

Tuesday 9 September 2014

【步行记】环绕槟岛八十公里(上) Round Penang Island 80KM On Foot (Part 1)



Sunday 7 September 2014

【Penang Dessert】The Original Famous Penang Road Teochew Cendol | Macalister Lane

Teochew Famous Cendol at Lorong Macalister

Penang Road Teochew Cendol is pretty much famous among the Penangites and tourists. Many tourists that visited Penang will not miss out the chance to taste the famous Penang Road cendol. Yet, there is another Teochew Cendol stall not far away from this Penang Road cendol but not known to many.