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Complete Map Location of the 101 Lost Kittens |
It has been some time since the 101 Lost Kittens mural hunting game has ended, but I believe that there are still many people out there searching for these cat murals painting. For this, I have made a map which mark all the location of the cat mural paintings and the wire cat sculpture. I hope that this map will be useful for you all the tiniest bit.
Below are the details of the cat murals painting and the cat dolls (please refer to the number stated above) :
1. Skippy, the Giant Cat (1 cat)
这幅大猫壁画位于Gat Lebuh Armenian。只要去到Gat Lebuh Armenian你就一定会看到这只猫,因为它实在是太大只了!
This big cat mural is located at the Armenian Street Ghaut. Once you walk in Armenian Street Ghaut, you will definitely see this cat as it is just too big to miss!
2. Please Care & Bathe Me (2 cats)
很可爱吧?这两只可爱的小猫咪就在Skippy, the Giant Cat壁画旁边的小巷里。走到最尾端最会看到了。
Aren't they just cute? These two kittens is located inside the alley besides Skippy, the Giant Cat mural painting. Walk until the end of the alley and you will see the kittens.
3. No Animal Discrimination Please (3 cats)
这幅壁画应该是最难找的吧?它真的是隐藏在很里面的一条小巷里。要找到这幅壁画,首先就必须先找到Lorong Soo Hong。Lorong Soo Hong是连接着Lebuh Armenian和Lebuh Ah Quee的一条小巷,而这条小巷里还有一条小巷哦。走进这条小巷,你就会看到壁画了。
Of all the cat murals, I think that this is the hardest mural to find. To find this mural, first you have to find this Soo Hong Lane. Soo Hong Lane is an alley connecting Armenian Street and Ah Quee Street and inside this Soo Hong Lane, there is another small alley. Walk deep inside this alley, then you will see the mural.
4. I Can Help Catch Rats (1 cat)
红黄蓝,好有TV3电视频道的感觉啊。起初这只猫和老鼠还没被画上是,我还真的以为是TV3画的壁画呢。要找到这幅壁画只要经过Lebuh Armenian就可以了,因为它真的很明显。
Red, yellow and blue, and this is so TV3. At first, when the cat and the rat are still not drawn onto the circles, I seriously thought that this 3 colour circles are drew by TV3. To find this mural, all you have to do is just pass through Armenian Street and you will definitely see it.
5. Love Me Like Your Fortune Cat (14 cats)
招财猫一直以来都是好运的象征。那么多的招财猫被画在墙上,想必屋里的人将会很好运了吧?当你找到Skippy, the Giant Cat时,走向码头的方向走多两三步你就会看到这幅壁画在你的右边了。
Fortune cat has always been the sign of good luck. With this many fortune cats drawn on the wall, I am sure that the house owner will be good luck all the time. When you found Skippy, the Giant Cat, walk a few more steps to the direction of jetty and you will see this mural on your right hand side.
6. Shade Me If You Love Me (8 cats)
看来这八只猫是最幸福了的吧?竟然有雨伞为它们遮阳呢!要找到这八只幸福的猫并不难,只要从Gat Lebuh Armenian经过Lebuh Victoria来到Gat Lebuh Acheh的路上,一直把头往右看,你就会看到它们了。
It seems like these 8 cats are the bless one among others as they have an umbrella to cover the hot sun for them! It is an easy task to find these 8 blessed cats. All you have to do is just passed through Victoria Street from Armenian Street Ghaut to Acheh Street Ghaut and always keep your head seeing the right hand side, and then you will see them.
7. Take Time To Sit With Your Pet (1 cat)
除了壁画,101只猫咪也是有以五颜六色的钢丝猫雕塑的形象出现的哦。这些钢丝猫雕塑一共有七只。这只钢丝猫是出现在Lebuh Victoria狮城馆对面的钢丝沙发上的。
Besides mural painting, these 101 lost kittens also take the form of wire cat sculpture. There are 7 wire cat sculpture in total. And this one is located on the wire sofa opposite the Singapore House at Lebuh Victoria.
8. Fine 500 For Littering, Sterilize Instead (2 cats)
这两只钢丝猫雕塑就在进福饮食中心的旁边。一路从Lebuh Armenian直走到Gat Lebuh Armenian,看到近福饮食中心的后门就停下脚步。这时,注意近福饮食中心的旁边,你就会看到这两只猫在箱子上面了。
These two wire cat sculptures are located at the side of CF hawker center. Walking straight from Armenian Street to Armenian Street Ghaut, make a stop when you see the back entrance of CF hawker center. Then, look carefully at the side of CF hawker center and you will see these two cats standing on the wooden box.
9. Shade Me If You Love Me - Wire Cat Sculpture (1 cat)
这只钢丝猫雕塑就在Shade Me If You Love Me壁画的左上方。如果没仔细观察的话,很容易会错过这只猫的。我也是去了第二次才发现到的。顺便一提,在这钢丝猫雕塑后面的停车场里有老夫子的壁画哦。
This wire cat sculpture is located at the top left corner of the Shade Me If You Love Me mural painting. If you hadn't observe it carefully, it is easy to miss this cat. I notice this cat only when I went there for the second time. By the way, there is a Master Q mural painting inside the car park behind this wire cat sculpture.
10. Skippy, the Giant Cat - Wire Cat Sculptures (3 cats)
这三只钢丝猫雕塑就在Skippy, the Giant Cat壁画的左边,只要看到巨猫壁画就会看到这三只钢丝猫雕塑了。这三只猫都站在细长的竹杆上,看起来有点象是在走猫步。如果你有留意到的话,最左边的那只钢丝猫雕塑是特别瘦的哦。
These three wire cat sculptures is located at the left side of Skippy, the Giant Cat mural painting. Once you see this big cat mural, you will definitely see these three wire cat sculptures as well. These three cats stand firmly on the thin bamboo sticks. It looks like as if they are cat-walking. If you observe carefully, you will notice that the cat at the left most is the thinnest.
11. The Real Bruce Lee Would Never Do This (3 cats)
这就是我拍到的第一幅猫咪壁画啦。第一次拍的时候,我只拍到了李小龙和那两只被踢的猫咪,完全把躲在右下方默默观看的小猫咪。后来又跑回去补拍了。要找到这幅壁画,首先就要找到Lebuh Ah Quee的摩哆车壁画。沿着摩哆车壁画的墙走下去,你将会来到一个墙角。湾近这个墙角你将会看到一张戏班脸的壁画。再走进些,你就会看到李小龙踢猫的壁画了。
This is the first cat mural I have snapped. The first time I snapped it, I have only snapped the two poor cats that are being kick by Bruce Lee and have miss out the little cat at the bottom right corner. To find this mural painting, you first have to look for the Kids on the Motorbike mural at Ah Quee Street. Then, go along the wall of this motorbike mural until you come to a corner. Walk into the alley at the corner and turn right and you will see this Bruce Lee and the cat mural painting.
12. Cats Walking for Animal Awareness (45 cats)
我第一次去拍的时候这里原本只有29只小黑猫,后来得知有增加一些小黑猫。过后就再去数了数。数了好几次,终结是增添了16只猫,所以一共是45只猫了。这些小黑猫就在Lebuh Pantai的消防局的后巷的墙上。有空你也去数数看吧,我担心我数错了。
When I first go take the photo of this mural painting, there are only 29 little black cats at there. Then, I have heard that there are some new member join in the mural and so I went to count again. After several times of counting, the conclusion is, it has add in 16 little black cats and the total has become 45 cats. These little black cats are located at the alley at the back of the Beach Street fire station. If you have free time, you may go count again because I might miss count the number of the cats.
13. Cats & Human Happily Living Together (18 cats)
知道世德堂谢公司在哪里吗?如果知道的话那就恭喜你啦,因为你已经找到这幅壁画了!没错,这幅壁画就在谢公司里面。进入谢公司的Lebuh Pantai大门,你就会看到壁画在你的右手边了。这幅壁画讲述了神明出游时的整形,壁画里的神明则是谢公司世德堂的二位福侯(張巡、許遠)
Do you know where is Cheah Kongsi? Well, if you do, congratulations as you have found this mural painting! Yes, this mural painting is located inside the Cheah Kongsi. Walk into the Cheah Kongsi front gate from Beach Street, you will see this mural painting on your right hand side. This mural tells the story of the procession of deities and the deities inside the mural are the Cheah Kongsi deities.
Final Artwork : Even If Handicapped, Still Love Me
这只猫妈妈就是101 Lost Kittens的最后一只猫啦,也是猫咪寻宝游戏的关键猫咪。这只猫咪是在6月29号才出现的,也就是寻宝游戏的最后一天。参赛者们必须要拍一张自己与这只猫妈妈的照片才算合格。这只猫妈妈就在Lebuh Victori的China House的前面。
This mama cat sculpture is the last cat of the 101 Lost Kitten project, and it is also the crucial requirement for the mural hunting game. This mama cat sculpture only made it's appearance on 29th of June, which is the last day of the mural hunting game competition. The competitors have to snap a photo of this cat sculpture together with him or her to be valid for the competition. This mama cat sculpture is located at the front of China House of Victoria Street.
说好是101只猫咪,但是当我统计出猫咪(猫妈妈不算)的数量时,我得到了102只。我能想到的就只有两种可能性了。一就是我数错了,而就是多画了一只。无论如何,最重要的并不是猫咪的数量而是这些壁画想要传达的讯息。希望在这个计划之后,人们会对以流浪动物有更多的关心及关爱。最希望的还是越来越少动物流浪街头,免受欺负。如果你在路上看到流浪动物的话,可以试试联络SPCA (03-4256 5312 / 4253 5179) 或者SOS (012 470 8308 / 017 563 9359) 这两个组织,他们会采取行动的。
Well, it is said that there will be 101 lost kittens, but when I counted it (mama cat not counted) , I get a total of 102 cats. There are two possible explanation I came out with. One is that I have counted it wrongly and the other one is the artists have drawn an extra cat. Anyway, it is not the point to be discussed here. The most important thing is the lesson that these mural paintings try to convey to us. Hopefully, after this 101 Lost Kittens project, public will start to care and love for the stray animals and what I hope the most is that there will be lesser and lesser homeless animals. If you saw any stray animals on the street, you can try to contact SPCA (03-4256 5312 / 4253 5179) or SOS (012 470 8308 / 017 563 9359) , and they will know what to do.
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