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Round Penang Island 80KM On Foot |
In Part 1, I have reached Teluk Bahang Dam and have completed half of my walking trip (40 KM). At that time, the weather was really hot and the road was slanting, which made my walking even difficult. By now, I was two hours delayed according to the plan so I decided to walk faster. Yet, I began to slow down minutes later as my legs were feeling painful. As I walked, I started to feel hungry so I ate the last three buns as my lunch. Out of the blue, I heard dog's bark and then I saw two dogs were charging towards me. Due to the many dog encountered experiences I had, I was calm when I saw these two dogs as I know that they were harmless. I rested a little at the empty stall nearby while playing with the dogs.
After a 10 minutes rest at the durian stall, I continued my journey. At this time, I was really tired that I walked like a zombie, progressing my journey at a really slow pace. After a long walk, finally I have reached my next checkpoint, Tropical Fruit Farm (41.5 KM). The weather at that time was pretty hot and my body condition wasn't so good, so I have rested a little at the Tropical Fruit Farm.
I rested for 10 minutes at Tropical Fruit Farm, washed my face (there was a toilet at there) and then continued walking. By the way, the bench was really big!
The road after the Tropical Fruit Farm was easier to walk as it was going down the hill. The weather at that time was cloudy so it wasn't so hot. Suddenly, I saw a lorry stopped at the front. The driver asked me want to have a free ride or not? I waved my hand at him and rejected his offer. The driver smile at me and then drove the lorry away. I walked further and I reached Titi Kerawang waterfall. This is another place I that hold memory with She Fu as we ever have a picnic together at there.
I reached Ghee Hup Nutmeg Factory at 3 PM, which means the end of the mountain road was not far away! I have took 3 hours to walk on the Teluk Bahang mountain road and it wasn't easy at all! When I reached nutmeg factory, the sun came out to say hi, and he accompanied me "fiercely" all the way afterward.
I asked the owner for some nutmeg water (he give it to me for free) and bought a pack of banana chips. The nutmeg factory's banana chips is my favourite of all time, but the price seems to have increased and the quantity was lesser.
Passing through the mountain road and I came to SJK (C) Sin Min, which is the next checkpoint (47 KM). The original plan was to reach here at 12 PM, but... Haiz, I was more than three hours late! If I continued to progress this way, I am sure to reach home very late!
接下来只需要沿着Jalan Sungai Rusa走就能抵达浮罗山背市镇了。话说,这里的居民还真的是很爱国啊!国旗四处可见!
Next, I just have to follow this Jalan Sungai Rusa and I will eventually reach Balik Pulau town. By the way, the people here were really patriotic! Malaysia's flags can be seen all over the place.
It was super duper hot at that time. There were no trees along the way for me to hide under their shades and my legs were severely painful already. Thus, I took a 5 minutes short break at the bus stops along the way. However, this time it was different from the time I walked to Bagan Serai. My legs' pain didn't reduced after the short break but became worse. I think that this time I really have walked too much that my legs cant take the stress.
其实我曾经在Jalan Sungai Rusa步行过两次了,不过那两次都觉得没什么,感觉很短而已。但是,这次却因为炎热天气及极度疲惫的身心而感觉怎么一直走都走不完?我开始变得不理性,一路走着一路抱怨,怎么还没走到尽头啊?!
Actually I have been walking on this Jalan Sungai Rusa twice but I didn't feel any stress during that two time. In fact, I felt like it was just a short distance. However, this time, due to the hot weather and the exhausted body and mind, I felt like the road never came to an end. I began to think irrationally and started to blame the road for being so long.
差不多下午五点我走到了下一个地标,SK Titi Teras(52公里),比原定计划迟了差不多四个小时。很明显的,我的步行是越走越慢了。这时我已经无法集中精神,没怎么去注意来往的车辆,都是等车辆开到靠近我时才发现它们的存在。
I reached the next checkpoint, SK Titi Teras (52 KM) at around 5 PM, which was almost four hour late than the original plan. Obviously, I walked slower and slower. At that moment, I already cant focus my mind and I wasn't aware of the cars on the road until they get near to me.
The weather wasn't that hot already when I reached Balik Pulau town. At that time, I cant walked fast as my legs were really painful. I felt sleepy as I have been awake for one whole day.
接下来将随着这条Jalan Balik Pulau直走直到抵达下个地标。其实我走到这里时已经比预计时间多出很多,当初会凌晨两点从家里出发是为了要避免峇都丁宜山路、直落巴巷山路以及直落公巴山路。但是依现在的进展看来恐怕是无法避免夜间行走直落公巴山路了,我记得有一次晚上乘搭朋友车经过时那里是完全无灯的。我试着加快脚步,但是当时真的是办不到,快走不到十步结果又慢下来了。
Next, I will have to walk along this Jalan Balik Pulau to reach the next checkpoint. When I reached Balik Pulau, I was already few hours late from the planned schedule. Originally, I planned to depart from my house at 2 AM as to avoid walking the mountain road of Batu Feringgi, Teluk Bahang and Teluk Kumbar at night. However, as the way I was progressing, I was afraid that I will have to pass through Teluk Kumbar mountain road at night. As I recalled, last time when I passed through Teluk Kumbar mountain road at night by car, it was completely dark with no lighting. I tried to walk faster but it was no use as I started to slow down again after few steps of fast walking.
这间是位于Jalan Balik Pulau的法庭,感觉它的建筑风格很特别所以就把它拍下来了。走到这里时,我开始有想放弃的念头了,看见路上来往的巴士时真的很想直接乘搭巴士回家。一路走着我就一路催眠自己说还剩三十公里就走完了。虽然心里明白对于现在的我来说三十公里真的很长,但那份想要完成这趟旅程的坚持来得更加强烈。我就这样一路催眠自己,一路摇摇晃晃地走下去。
This is the court at Jalan Balik Pulau. I took photo of it because the architectural style is very special to me. Actually, I felt like giving up my journey when I walked until here. Whenever I saw the Rapid bus passed by, I have the strong desire to just take the bus and go back home. However, I know that I must complete this journey regardless the pain (I told myself before I depart so I have to keep that promise I made to myself). I hynotised myself by telling myself that the trip was just another 30 KM left and keep moving forward like a walking dead.
Next checkpoint, MARA High Skill College (57 KM). I was more than four hours delayed when I reached MARA. I was really worried that I cant make it to the mountain road before night. I gave myself two choices, one is to walk slowly and rest properly as the probability of not making it to the mountain road before night is high. Second is to walk faster as there are still some time before the sky completely turns dark, maybe I can make it on time if I walk faster (actually I was not sure how far the mountain road was). Though to walk slowly would be a wiser choice, yet I have chose to walk faster.
Soon after I decided that I want to walk faster, a slanting road appeared before me. It was really demotivating! Though my legs weren't allowed me to walk any faster, yet I insisted on walking fast ignoring the pain of my legs. While walking on the slanting road, a lorry driver passed by me asked me where do I go? He didn't stopped his lorry so when I realised what was his question, he already went far away from me. By the way, Penangites are really caring.
After passing through the slanting road, I came to the flyover highway. I was still walking in a fast pace, but I felt the walk has became easier. Why? I think that the main factor was the environment. On the flyover, I can see the beautiful view with the sunset scene. The weather at that time was cloudy and windy. The environment has directly affected my attitude and it was my attitude that decide the difficulty of the trip. On the flyover highway, I was looking at the sunset while walking forward and I tend to forget the pain of my legs.
I have found a nice place beside the flyover highway that can see the sunset view. Though I wished to see the scene of the sun kissing the sea, but I have to go as the sky will turn dark in about one hour.
On the way, I passed through Little Genting, which is another piece of memory I had with She Fu. We had our camp's celebration dinner at there. That was the first camp I have participated in She Fu and it was the place where I cried in public.
On the way, I passed through Little Genting, which is another piece of memory I had with She Fu. We had our camp's celebration dinner at there. That was the first camp I have participated in She Fu and it was the place where I cried in public.
By the way, the flyover highway is really a long one. I have spent almost an hour walking on it.
I reached the next checkpoint, PUSPAKOM (61.5 KM) at 7.30 PM. The sky has starting to turn dark and it seems that I have failed to reach the mountain road before night. Since I cant make it on time, I decided to walk slowly and look for a place to have my dinner.
我一在路边看见饮食档口就马上找个位置坐下,当时走到连背部都开始疼痛,真的有点不想再走了。我点了一碟Paprik炒饭和一杯Teh Ice。这一餐晚餐花光了我的零钱,钱包里只剩下一张RM100纸钞。我是故意这样做的,因为没了零钱我就无法乘搭巴士回家(我怕我坚持不住)。我还真的是把自己逼到了绝境啊!
As soon as I saw a food stall at the roadside, I quickly find a place to sit down. At that time, not only my legs were severely in pain but my back started to feel pain as well. I ordered a Paprik fried rice and one Teh Ice. This dinner has caused me all my small notes leaving me with a RM100 note. I purposely do so so that I don't have the money to take Rapid bus back home (I scared that I might give up and take the bus back home). I was leaving me with no other option other than to continue walking.
I took a long rest (30 minutes) at the Malay stall. At first I thought that my legs will be less painful after the long rest, but who knows once I get up from the sit, my legs were terribly painful in that instant. The feeling was like the moment you woke up in the next day after a 10 rounds run at the stadium running track. I continued to walk like a zombie and soon I came to the entrance road to Gertak Sanggul. I was familiar with the roads from here onwards.
At nine something, I reached the dark mountain road that I was worried about. However, the mountain road was installed with lamps (previously don't have) and there were cars along the way. I walked under these little light source along the mountain road. When there were no cars passing by, the mountain road was still quite dark even though it was installed with lamps. The mountain road wasn't that long and I have passed through it shortly.
This traffic light is the next checkpoint (66 KM). Turning right will lead me to Batu Maung area. Though I still have another 14 KM to go, but I felt like walking another 100 meter is a very long distance for me! My pain on my legs was unbearable. They were at their limit already. What keep me from moving forward was my strong determination.
I walked and walked and I started to feel that I cant take it anymore. I find a place to rest a bit and drank a tin of Red Bull. However, the Red Bull doesn't refreshed me even a bit and it doesn't quenched my thirst as well. After resting for five minutes, I continued walking. After the short rest, the walking seems to have become even more difficult than before. At this point, I know that resting was a no good for me.
晚上十点,我经过了机场。一路上没有路灯,而且道路也在修复当中,所以是相当危险的。过后一直沿着直路走,脑海里想着的都是为什么这条路那么长,怎么走也走不完。当时也开始有点神志不清,整个人摇摇晃晃地走着,时不时还会突然笑一下,整个画面就像是喝醉酒一样。后来在路上看见有警车亮着警灯朝来,后面有位黑人很努力地在慢跑。过了一会儿我才想到那位黑人一定是Penang Ultra 100的选手,于是我便一路走一路数着看看有多少位选手参与此活动。
I passed through the airport at 10 PM. There were no lamp along the way and the road was under construction, so it was really dangerous to walk on that road at night. Then, I walked along the road and I started to think that why is the road seems like endless one? I started to become delirious and walked unstably and sometimes I laughed. The whole picture was just like a drunk man walking on the road. As I continued walking, I saw the police car with it's alarm light on came from the opposite way. There was a man running slowly at the police car's back. After a while, I just realised that that man must be the participant of Penang Ultra 100. Then, I started to count the number of participants as I walked.
As I counted until 160 plus participants, I reached the Penang Second Link without me realising it. Well, that was really a good tactic as I have walked for another one hour as I counted the participants. Now, I have ignored the checkpoints as I knew that my house was quite near already.
After passing through the Penang Second Link, I have to say goodbye to these participants as we were taking different route. By the way, I was really respect and amaze these participants. Though we were all rounding the Penang Island, but they were running for it! That was something really amazing!
It is a rare chance for me to be alone at the Penang Second Link so late so I must took a photo to record this moment.
Though I understand that I still left with 10 KM to go, yet this 10 KM wasn't an easy one. My body and mind have been tortured to a limit and all I wanted now was to get back home as soon as possible. Every time I took a step, my leg was really painful that the pain get into the bone. Despite that, I told myself that I have to keep walking without resting as I scared that once I sat down, I might not want to get up again.
Finally I reached Queensbay. According to my normal sped, I would have reached home in half an hour, but I have took an hour for this trip. On my way back home, I bumped into my friend who was driving at that time. He asked me whether I need a ride or not and I have rejected his offer. Yes, I was so stubborn. I must walked until I step into my house otherwise I do not considered that I have round the Penang Island.
80 KM, 24 hours 15 minutes, I completed my round Penang Island dream. The moment I reached home, I thought that I will be excited but I don't. All I felt was just why am I so stupid, stupid enough to let me go through all the pain (this should be the most suffering experience I have ever had, both body and mind). Really, the whole night I felt like I was a fool. When I woke up the second day, I still felt that I was stupid, but I was really glad, glad that I have achieved something that I wanted for so long. I was proud that I have done it even though it was a painful one. Someday, I am sure that it will be a great memory for me.
Let me shout out a bit
I have achieved my dream of round Penang Island on foot!!!
你真的好疯狂, 太佩服你了。 虽然一边读一边觉得你有点折磨自己, 但完成你的梦想还是替你开心。
ReplyDelete谢谢你!虽然是苦了点,但这样才让这个梦想更有价值。 :)
ReplyDeletewow! bravo!
ReplyDelete平时参加marathon 10KM 都要死要活了!你真的好疯狂啊!读着读着都能感觉你的痛 >.<
恭喜你啦 dream comes true!
ReplyDeletehei dude ! great job, if i knew you at that time i would have joined you too hehe :D i did complete a similiar walk/run before but it was seperated into 4 runs.. so it doesn't count :D
ReplyDeleteThanks Oon Kah Chuan! Actually I only tell two or three people about my plan because I actually want to complete it alone. I want to try the feeling of getting really desperate when I was alone with no one there to help me. You can call me a super weirdo or siao lang! haha!