Tuesday 29 April 2014

成就篇:旅行家 Traveller's Digest

Traveller's Digest of Malaysia


【槟城美食】不含味精的健康早餐与西餐 | Daddy's Farm

Daddy's Farm - Breakfast & Lunch Western Cuisine
Pan Fried Chicken Picata - RM10

味精,是很多美食都不可缺少的其中一样材料,西餐也不列外。很多小贩为了达到味觉上的满足而在食物里添加了很多味精,所以要找到好吃又健康的西餐确实有一定的难度。今天,就让我遇上了这一档走健康路线的西餐档口,Daddy's Farm。Daddy's Farm的西餐食物都是没有添加味精的!

Sunday 27 April 2014

【槟城餐厅】Talk Talk Wine Bar & Lounge | Pekaka Square

Talk Talk Wine Bar & Lounge at Pekaka Square
Talk Talk Wine Bar & Lounge
大多数的现代人都将时间花费在智能手机和平面电脑上,沉醉于虚拟网路世界,与朋友相聚的时间也逐渐减少了(我承认我也是其中之一)。其实,要找个舒适环境与朋友相聚并不难,在我家附近就有这间Talk Talk Wine Bar & Lounge了。“Talk Talk”的主要概念就是要给顾客们一个舒适的环境,将一天的疲惫与烦恼抛开,享受与朋友相聚聊天的欢乐时光。

Tuesday 22 April 2014

【槟城美食】槟城著名印度炒面 | 曼谷巷




【Penang Gourmet】The 40 Over Years Apong Seller at Burmah Road | Apong Guan

Apong Guan Jalan Burma
Apong Guan at Burmah Road

Click for Chinese Version

This is it! One ofhe stall that sells the most delicious Apong (pancake) in Penang! Apong Guan has been running it's business for more than 40 years and today it's customers are still keep coming non-stop. Some of the customers even call for booking. Many of the cars passing by stopped in front of Apong Guan and started ordering the Apong, some even ordered up to 20 to 30 pieces in one go.

步行记:槟城美湖 Gertak Sanggul

Walking to Gertak Sanggul


Monday 21 April 2014

【Penang Kopitiam】Nam Kie Kopitiam Famous Hai Nam Char | Kimberly Street

Nam Kie Hai Nam Char at Lebuh Kimberly
Nam Kie Hai Nam Char

In Penang, a place dominated by Hokkien people, finding a Hokkien Char (Hokkien fired noodle) would be an easy task but not for Hai Nam Char (Hai Nam fried noodle). In the Kimberley Street of Georgetown, there is a Chinese coffee shop that sells only Hai Nam Char. This is a plate of Hai Nam Char without prawns and offal, RM4.50.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

【Penang Cafe】Just Another Cafe For USM Students | Pinetree Cafe

Pinetree Cafe

Click for Chinese Version

***Now known as Uni Cafe***
'What to eat later?' seems to be a very hard question for many university students. I used to be a USM student so I know exactly how hard this question is. Every time when this hard question cant be answered, I will always suggest going to Bali-Bali food court at Sungai Dua to settle our meal as it has a variety of foods to choose from. The bad news is, Bali-Bali food court has been closed down for quite some time and is was indeed a great loss for USM students. Today, I want to introduce this Pinetree Cafe to you all, which is located at Sungai Dua as well.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

【槟城咖啡馆】昔日槟城特色的咖啡馆 | Noor & Dean's Café

Noor & Dean's Café - Espresso Bar & Asian Fusion
Noor & Dean's Cafe


Trip Advisor网站里的三百多间乔治市餐厅当中排行第四的Noor & Dean's Café是一间具有昔日槟城特色的咖啡厅。Noor & Dean's Café坐落于Lebuh Noordin, 也就是槟城人口中的二条路(Ji Tiao Loh)。咖啡厅里的环境舒适,员工们也很热情亲切。除了提供美味的亚洲美食,Noor & Dean's Café (Noordin Street House)也有提供住宿服务,这绝对是旅人们的好选择!

Saturday 12 April 2014

【Penang Kopitiam】The Hundred Years Old Kopitiam | Kong Thai Lai Coffee Shop

Kong Thai Lai Coffee Shop
Kong Thai Lai Coffee Shop

Kong Thai Lai coffee shop has been visited by the late Mr. Honda, Tan Sri Dato' Loh Boon Siew, the Sugar King, Robert Kuok Hock Nien and Chief Minister of Penang, CM Lim Guan Eng. This hundred years old coffee shop is passed down from generation to generation and the current shop owner is the third generation. The original coffee recipe passed down from his grandfather is definitely one of the attractions here.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

【Penang Event】The Weekly Social Activity In George Town | Occupy Beach Street

占领土库街 Occupy Beach Street
Occupy Beach Street

Since 11 December 2011, part of Beach Street has been used for the car free day project on every Sunday. Few months ago, this part of Beach Street was getting merrier with the newly introduced "Occupy Beach Street" event. People may use the road for healthy and fun physical activities like walking, jogging, biking dancing and social activities.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

【槟城庙宇】全东南亚最大的佛寺 | 极乐寺

极乐寺 Kek Lok Si Temple
Kek Lok Si Temple

Monday 7 April 2014

【Penang Kopitiam】The Cheapest Hainanese Chicken Chop In Town | Hai Onn Restaurant

Burmah Road Hai Onn Restaurant
Hai Onn Restaurant

Hai Onn Restaurant is a Chinese kopitiam that has been selling Hainan Cuisine for more than 70 years. This restaurant is located in Burma Road and everyday there are lots of customers having their meals at there.