Sunday 31 August 2014

【健康饮食】Sorganic有机麦片豆粉 Sorganic Cereal Soy Powder

Srganic Cereal Soy Powder


Thursday 28 August 2014

【Penang Restaurant】The Healthy Seafood Claypot Porridge & The Authentic Chinese Dishes | Kampung Malabar

Claypot Porridge at Kampung Malabar

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There is this newly opened (5th July 2014) restaurant, "煲粥婆" at Kampung Malabar in Georgetown that serve the super delicious claypot porridge. This restaurant is run by China people and they serve some really nice China dishes as well. The restaurant was simple inside with a wide gap between each sitting place. It is no doubt a good place for a family or friends gathering.

Wednesday 27 August 2014

【Penang Kopitiam】The Hainan Cuisine Kopitiam In George Town | Sin Chuan Bee Coffee Shop

Sin Chuan Bee Coffee Shop
Roti Babi
Two days ago, in a conversation with my colleague, he has mentioned the words roti babi (pork bread). Usually, when it comes to roti, people will mention roti bakar (roasted bread) and roti kaya butter, but that day I have heard roti babi for the first time.

Saturday 23 August 2014

【槟城美食】大树下的叻沙档 | Sungai Ara


Thursday 21 August 2014

【槟城自助餐】G Cafe主题式自助晚餐 Theme Buffet Dinner @ G Cafe

G Cafe Buffet Dinner
G Cafe

带着感恩的心,我出席了G Cafe的自助晚餐。这次是受到G Hotel邀请的,也是我人生中第三次享受如此高档生活(第一次是我读大学预科班时,第二次是在Park Royal Hotel为某公司拍摄时)。在接下来的三个月里(八月至十月),G Cafe将呈现一系列的主题式自助晚餐,一个星期里的每一天将有特定的主题。当天是星期二,我们享用的是意大利式自助晚餐。

Saturday 16 August 2014

【Penang Breakfast】Big Ben Breakfast Is In The Town | Bishop Street

George Town Big Ben Breakfast
Big Ben Breakfast @ Lebuh Bishop

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While it was a public holiday yesterday, me and my friends have met up for a breakfast. We went to Big Ben Breakfast in George Town for the gathering. Big Ben Breakfast has been opened for business for almost a year and it was actually the same with the Big Ben Breakfast that is near botanical garden. The fact is, Big Ben Breakfast near botanical garden is actually quite far from the town so it is a bit inconvenience for many. To cop with this, they have opened another restaurant at Bishop Street and both these Big Ben Breakfast are serving the same foods.

【槟城美食】百年历史咖啡店里的云吞面 | 万葛里巷




Friday 15 August 2014

【槟城美食】一等咖啡店的酸辣东炎 | Lintang Minden 2

Lintang Minden 2 Tom Yam

Monday 11 August 2014

【槟城美食】隐藏在小巷里的粿條汤 | Lebuh Clarke

Koay Teow Th'ng @ Lebuh Clarke
乔治市除了壁画多,旅客多,美女多,以及单车多之外,小巷里的美食也是很多的!其中,多春茶座最为闻名。今天,我偶然经过Lebuh Clarke的一条小巷,看见小巷里满是顾客享用着粿條汤,于是我也来凑个热闹,和大伙一起挤!

Sunday 10 August 2014

【槟城庙宇】槟城著名旅游景点之一 | 蛇庙

蛇庙乃槟城著名旅游景点之一。每逢假日和神诞庆典,蛇庙都是人山人海,信徒们前来朝拜,游客们前来观看。蛇庙周边是一间间的店铺,都是专门做游客生意的。话说,我在槟城已经居住了五年,但却从来没到过蛇庙!直到前几天,刚好天气阴凉,所以才肯走去看看。说来还真的是有点惭愧啊~ XD

Thursday 7 August 2014

【槟城甜品】依然保持着原味的潮州驰名煎蕊 | Lorong Macalister


Wednesday 6 August 2014

【部落成就】光华日报悠周刊:城里的脸谱 Kwong Wah Daily



Monday 4 August 2014

【Perlis Accommodation】A Close To Nature Homestay With Football Theme Rooms | Sanctuary Garden

Sanctuary Garden Arau Perlis
Sanctuary Garden at Arau, Perlis

Despite being the smallest state in Malaysia, Perlis has the most breathtaking views that I have seen so far. Besides amazed by the beautiful views of Perlis, we as the first timer to step in Perlis were lucky enough to meet with this cozy hostel, Sanctuary Garden. Sanctuary Garden is square at the look and it is a three storey orange building. Before complimenting the pleasant environment, I would like to express my gratitude to the staff for greeting us warmly.

Saturday 2 August 2014

【Penang Restaurant】 The All New Sakana Sushi Bar & Cuisine | Penang Road

Sakana Sushi Bar & Cuisine
Sakana Sushi Bar & Cuisine

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Sakana Sushi Bar and Cuisine has been operated for almost two years and it has been receiving bad comments from customers. Whenever I talked to my friends about Sakana Sushi, they have always showed me their unsatisfied face. To cop with this, Sakana Sushi has taken some serious action. On the 1st of April this year, Sakana Sushi has changed it's management, it's chefs and it's menu. Though I have never been to Sakana Sushi before and therefore don't know how the food previously tasted like, but one thing for sure is that I am quite satisfied with the foods served by this whole new Sakana Sushi.

【Travel In Perlis】2nd Day Of The Beautiful 2D1N Trip Of Perlis | Padang Besar + Kaki Bukit "Dua Pao" + Gua Kelam + Timah Tasoh Dam

2D1N Perlis Trip
Beautiful Perlis Trip

In the end, we bid farewell to each other and..... Hey, hold on a sec, the story of second day yet to tell! Restart! Restart! In this beautiful morning, our Perlis trip has entered the second day. Yesterday we have conquered the southern area of Perlis so today we will hunt down the northern part of Perlis.

Friday 1 August 2014

【科技】近场通信标签 NFC Tap Tag -

近场通信标签 NFC Tap Tag
Near Field Communication (NFC) Tap Tag

智能手机的出现可说是人类时代的转变。随之而来,各式各样智能手机软体和硬体陆续被研发。今天要介绍给大家的是近场通信标签(NFC Tag)。很多国家都已广泛使用该科技。近场通信标签的功能和我们熟悉的二维碼相似,只要用智能手机里的二维碼扫描软件扫面二维码,就能读取该二维码的资料。不同的是近场通信标签可以记载多个指令,功能更多。