Monday 24 November 2014

【Penang Cafe】Where Pancake & Coffee Meet Nutella | Love & Latte Cafe

Love Lane Love & Latte
Love & Latte Cafe at Love Lane
Being near to the famous food street, Love Lane has become one of the tourists' favourite hangout spot . As a result, cafes and hostels started to appear one by one. Love & Latte cafe is among them and they have been running their business for several months now. Before I proceed further, I would like to thank Tour Directions for inviting me to this food review.

Sunday 23 November 2014

【Penang Gourmet】The Biggest Burger Ever In Penang! | Zul's Burger (Halal)

Zul's Burger, the biggest burger in Penang
The biggest burger in Penang

Long ago, I have heard of this gigantic burger appeared somewhere in Penang, but I have never really went to search for it. Until few days ago, a friend of mine has invited me to try out this gigantic burger and then I just realised that it was actually located at somewhere pretty near to my house. What a surprise!

【Penang Bar】Tree Bar - Not just a tree, it's a bar | G Hotel

G Hotel's Tree Bar Penang
G Hotel's Tree Bar at Gurney Drive
Recently, alcohol and me has became quite a good friend. I have drank one bottle and two tins of Asahi beer during Superdry The Event and a week after that I was having a Somersby Cider and a small glass of Absolute Vodka while attending the food review invited by G Hotel at Tree Bar. As ever, alcoholic drinks has not been my preference but within this one month, I have perhaps drank up my one whole year quota. What's more, I think I have started to actually like the taste of alcohol, which before this I strongly dislike it! Oh no!

Saturday 22 November 2014

【Penang Restaurant】Szechwan, Hunan & Fujian Dishes At "Shi Fu" Chinese Restaurant | Bay Avenue

Shi Fu Chinese Restarant Penang
Shi Fu Chinese Restaurant at Bay Anenue Penang

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Indeed, Penang is famous with it's local food where these local foods can be found almost everywhere in Penang! However, Penang is not that popular with the foreign foods, especially the authentic Chinese dishes. Since I started blogging, I have only reviewing two restaurants that served Chinese dishes. The first one is the Claypot Porridge at Kampung Malabar and the second one is Shi Fu, which I will introduce to you all later in this post.

【Penang Cafe】The Nostalgic 50 Over Years Heng Penang Laksa | Shervone Cakes 2.0 Cafe

Shervone Cakes 2.0 Cafe at Pulau Tikus Penang
Shervone Cakes 2.0 at Pulau Tikus, Penang

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Last month, Shervone Cakes has it's second outlet opened at Pulau Tikus. The concept is slightly different from the Kyrstal Point's Shervone Cakes whereby Mr. Yo (owner) has turn it into a cafe with main dishes and drinks served. By the way, any of you curious on how does the name 'Shervone' came from? Well, it is actually the combination of the name of Mr. Yo (Boon) and Mrs. Yo (Sharon).

Friday 21 November 2014

【槟城咖啡馆】当松饼遇上Nutella | Love & Latte Cafe

Love & Latte in Love Lane
爱情巷的Love & Latte Cafe


如今爱情巷已成为许多游客的落脚处。游客多了,随之而来的就是旅店和咖啡馆。今天要为大家介绍的是Love & Latte咖啡馆。Love & Latte营业至今已有数个月了,是一间主打松饼和Nutella的咖啡馆。这次是因为受到Tour Directions的邀请才有机会拜访Love & Latte的。感恩~

【Penang Accommodation】The Hidden Retreat In Balik Pulau Not Known To Many | Malihom Retreat

Malihom Balik Pulau Penang
Malihom Private Estate at Balik Pulau

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Few months ago, I have participated in Seeties Getaway Treat Campaign. And yes! The luck was on my side! I have won the campaign! The winner get to choose one out of the eight gorgeous hotels and enjoyed a 2D1N stay for free! Taking into account the transportation and location issue (but I was actually attracted by their nicely shot photos. XD), I have chosen to stay at the Malihom Retreat located at Balik Pulau. Thus, during last weekend, me and a friend have went to this beautiful place together and enjoyed the life of "rich people"!

Wednesday 19 November 2014

【Penang Attraction】Penang 3D Trick Art Museum | Penang Street

Penang 3D Trick Art Museum
Penang 3D Trick Art Museum at Penang Street

Following Made In Penang Interactive Museum, Georgetown is now having it's second 3D museum, namely Penang 3D Trick Art Museum. On the 23rd of October (two days before the museum officially open for business), Penang 3D Trick Art Museum has hold a press conference and I was invited to this soft launching conference.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

【槟城美食】号称槟城最大的超级汉堡 | Zul's Burger (Halal)

槟城最大汉堡 - Zul's Burger



【Penang Cafe】Write To The Future | Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe

Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe
Paper Pepper Postcard & Cafe at Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling
Ever think of how will you be in the next ten years? Ever have a word to say to your future self? Well, with the future mail service offer by Paper Pepper Postcard Cafe, they can hep you deliver your words to you in the next ten years. This cafe is located at Pitt Street, which is among the shop lots to the left of the Goddess of Mercy Temple (beside Sip & Chew Cafe).

【槟城酒吧】贴近大自然的酒吧 - Tree Bar | G Hotel

G Hotel Tree Bar Penang


近来,我似乎和酒饮很有缘。自上次在Superdry The Event灌了一瓶又两罐Asahi啤酒后,一星期后出席G Hotel邀请的Tree Bar试吃活动又喝下了一瓶Somersby Cider和一小杯Absolut Vodka。向来不喝酒的我,这一个月内应该是喝了我一年份的酒量吧?而且我好像喜欢上喝酒了,因为之前的我不怎么能接受酒味的。惨了~

Thursday 13 November 2014

【槟城美食】川菜、闽菜、湘菜 | 《食府》中国料理餐厅




Friday 7 November 2014

【槟城咖啡馆】五十多年历史的怀旧槟城叻沙 | Shervone Cakes 2.0

Shervone Cakes 2.0 Cafe at Pulau Tikus Penang
Shervone Cakes 2.0 at Pulau Tikus, Penang


今年十月初,Shervone Cakes在浮罗池滑开了第二间分店,Shervone Cakes 2.0。有别于专卖甜点的Krystal Point Shervone Cakes,Mr. Yo(老板)将Shervone Cakes 2.0打造成为一间咖啡馆,内有提供主食与饮料。话说,“Shervone”这名字其实是老板的名字(Boon)和老板娘的名字(Sharon)的结合体哦!

Tuesday 4 November 2014

【槟城活动】Halloween Party @ Hard Rock Cafe

Hard Rock Cafe Halloween Party 2014
Halloween Party 2014 at Hard Rock Cafe Penang

近年来,万圣节在大马似乎慢慢流行起来,很多餐馆与酒店也开始举办万圣节派对。今年的万圣节,我与几位博客一同出席由Hard Rock Cafe所举办的万圣节派对。说起来,这可是我第一次参与万圣节派对呢!

Monday 3 November 2014

【槟城活动】极度干燥开幕派对 Superdry Launching Party

Superdry Launching Party
Superdry Launching Party at Hin Company Bus Depot

英国服装品牌“Superdry”如今已来到槟城啦!为欢庆Superdry在Gurney Plaza的开幕,Superdry于11月1日当天在Hin Company Bus Depot举办了一个开幕派对。很荣幸的,我被Superdry邀请出席。谢谢Superdry!

Sunday 2 November 2014

【Penang Cafe】The Simply Irresistible Crème Brûlée & Yoghurt | DCOVA Cafe

DCOVA @ Lebuh Bishop
DCOVA at Bishop Street

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Need a break after a long and tired working day? Well, DCOVA is the place for you! Located at Bishop Street with the cosy ambiance, DCOVA has become the choice of many workers for a relaxing afternoon. DCOVA has just started their business about half year ago. Before this, it was a cafe known as Lighthouse Coffee.