Monday 31 March 2014

博客聚:Sorganic Boutique

Sorganic Boutique at Jalan Dato Keramat
Sorganic Boutique


Sunday 30 March 2014

步行记:任务失败 Mission Failed


走了十四公里,耗了四小时十五分种的步行,最后还是以失败告终了。这趟以Gertak Sanggul为终点的步行记始终无法如愿以偿,最后一站只走到了Pantai Tanjung Asam,距离目的地就只差那么的一点,唉(失望)~

Friday 28 March 2014

艺术展:"Think About It" Art Exhibition

Think About It Art Exhibition

续恩纳斯的《艺术是垃圾,垃圾是艺术》个人展览,Hin Bus Depot很快的又举办了第二个艺术画展。这次的画展名为《Think About It》,是个结合了多位艺术家作品的展览。

Sunday 23 March 2014

好推荐:阿来白咖喱面 Ah Lai White Curry Noodle


闻名全马的My Kuali槟城白咖喱面上市不久后,阿来白咖喱面也来凑热闹了。这两包槟城白咖喱面包装非常相似,不看清楚的话很容易会拿错的。话说,大马人还真是喜欢有样学样啊,看看乔治市的壁画就知道了。

Saturday 22 March 2014

【槟城小吃】车水路著名Apong Guan | Jalan Burma

Apong Guan at Burmah Road
车水路的Apong Guan

吃过这里的Apong后,才知道原来Apong是可以如此美味的!这档已经营业四十多年的Apong Guan如今仍然生意旺盛,顾客一个接一个,而且有些一卖就是二三十片。很多经过的车辆也会停下来光顾Apong Guan。

Friday 21 March 2014

【槟城茶室】南佳咖啡店驰名海南炒 | 汕头街



Thursday 20 March 2014

【Penang Cafe】Frute Dose Yoghurt Shake At The Back Of The Mugshot Cafe | Chulia Street

The Mugshot Cafe frute Dose
The Cardboardman mural in The Mugshot Cafe

Talking about The Mugshot Cafe, only two things came into my mind - the mugshot mural and the bagels. Originally, The Mugshot Cafe only use the frontal half of the building to run their business. Two months ago, they have extended their business to the later half. The later half is then divide into two parts, the first part is selling meatballs and the second part is a juice bar (Frute Dose). This cardboard man mural is painted on the wall of Frute Dose.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

【Penang Gourmet】It's A Bar, Cafe & Restaurant At Five27 | Chulia Street

Five27 @ Chulia Street
Five27 @ Chulia Street

Click for Chinese Version

A bar, a cafe and a restaurant. Five27 is where you can find all these combination under one rooftop. Five27 has started their business since 26th Jan 2014, which is just about one month old. It is located at Chulia Street with a comfortable environment where it is a good place for you to meet up with your friends. They serve international cuisine which include American (New), Asian Fusion, British, French, Greek, Italian, Indian, Middle Eastern, Spanish and Thai. In the Trip Advisor website, Five27 is ranked third among the many restaurants in Georgetown.

Monday 17 March 2014

【Penang Tourism】One Of The Oldest Hindu Temple In Penang That Is 513 Stairs Above the Ground | Waterfall Hill Temple

Waterfall Hill Temple

Arulmigu Balathandayuthapani Temple (Waterfall Hill Temple) is one of the oldest Hindu temples in Penang. It was originally located within the grounds of the Penang Botanical Garden and it was moved to the top of the hill later. Waterfall Hill Temple is the last station for the Thaipusam procession.

Sunday 16 March 2014

【槟城咖啡馆】理大附近的咖啡馆 | Pinetree Cafe

Pinetree Cafe


“等下要吃什么”似乎是很多大学生都会遇到的难题。曾经是理大生的我,每当遇到这个难题时,我都会提议到双溪赖的Bali-Bali饮食中心用餐。可惜的是,Bali-Bali饮食中心如今已经关闭了,理大生们无疑少了一个用餐的好去处。今天要给大家介绍的是这间位于双溪赖,与KFC同排的Pinetree Cafe。

Friday 14 March 2014

步行记:浮罗山背 Balik Pulau


Wednesday 12 March 2014

【槟城咖啡店】百年祖传老咖啡店 | 广泰来茶室



Sunday 9 March 2014

【槟城活动】乔治市每周一次的无车日 | 占领土库街

占领土库街 Occupy Beach Street


【Penang Event】The Grand Celebration Of The Jade Emperor's Birthday | Chew Jetty

Jade Emperor's Birthday Celebration

The 9th day of the Chinese New Year is the Jade Emperor (Lord of the Heaven)'s birthday. For Hokkien people, Jade Emperor's birthday is more important than the Chinese New Year. Every year in Penang, which majority of it's residents are Hokkien, a grand celebration will be held at Chew Jetty to celebrate the Jade Emperor's birthday.

Saturday 8 March 2014



Friday 7 March 2014

【槟城咖啡店】槟城最便宜的海南鸡扒 | 海安饭店



Wednesday 5 March 2014

步行记:湖內人民公园 Relau Metropolitan Park

Taman Awam Metropolitan Relau


Tuesday 4 March 2014

【Penang Event】 Penang Chinese New Year Cultural And Heritage Celebration 2014 | Beach Street + Bishop Street + Church Street + King Street + Penang Street.

乔治市《骏马腾飞》庆甲午年文化庙会 2014 Chinese New Year Cultural And Heritage Celebration
2014 Chinese New Year Cultural And Heritage Celebration

Every year during the Chinese New Year, there will be a Chinese New Year Cultural and Heritage Celebration being held in Georgetown. This year, the celebration falls on the third day of the Chinese New Year. The locations for this year celebration is at Beach Street, Bishop Street, Church Street, King Street and Penang Street.

Sunday 2 March 2014

开幕礼:槟城第二大桥(Jambatan Sultan Abdul Halim Mu‘adzam Shah)

Jambatan Sultan Abdul Halim Mu‘adzam Shah Opening Ceremony
